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I took my favorite set of socks, some oversized T-shirts, baggy jeans and ohh

my favorite celine Jacket from my cupboard.

And my toiletries , shoes and


Okay so right now I'm packing , to fly to Seoul S. Korea since my parents had already left 4 days ago.

Honestly right now I'm having mixed feelings. Excited but nervous too.

Last night dad called me and said , "Hyuckie, after you land here we'll have dinner with the Lees. So wear something formal and have a safe flight. Bye Hyuckie love you. "

So yeah it's very nerve wrecking. I don't know how should I talk with HIM. It'll be awkward don't you think so?

"Yah!! Donghyuck are you even listening to me? "

Oh I almost forgot that Renjun was here with me.

I called him this morning to help me pack but it's the opposite. He's currently giving me ideas to run away from this marriage. Sike he's a true friend indeed.

"Huang Renjun shut your ass up, you're being loud." I rolled my eyes and continued to pack my things.

"Look hyuck it's about your MARRIAGE. Don't talk about it like it's just someone else's marriage. "

I sighed and folded my jeans before putting it inside my suitcase.

"I know Junnie but I'm really fine with it."

"Hyuck I don't want you to regret it. Don't you think that. .. That... there will be someone else waiting for you. " he took my hand and looked at me with an expecting face.

"Hmmm? "

"You know junnie I'm too old for that shit now. " I laughed it off as this was reality no prince is gonna come for me riding in a horse.

"Fine. I surrender but do tell me if he's a jerk. I'll kill him on the spot. " he said giving me that killer look

Oh he looks like a fierce bunny right now.

"Ok ok I will but for now help me pick an outfit. to wear for the dinner."I said with a pleading look

"You look good in everything you wear. " He plopped in my bed right after he said that. 

"Junnie, please. "

"Ok ok lemme see. "

He got up from my bed and stood beside me staring at the outfits that I currently have on my cupboard.

"This " he said while pointing at the beige suit in the middle.

"Thank you Junnie, you're the only one I can count on. " I wiped my fake tears to which he responded by rolling his eyes.

"But now that I'm thinking about it.
How does he look like. Is he hot? Is he handsome? "

There he goes asking questions which I exactly knew he would ask.

Wait wasn't he opposing it a min before?

Anyway how do I tell him that I haven't even seen his FACE.

Yes, I haven't.

Actually I would have asked dad or searched on the internet but isn't it better to meet in person? Right? Wouldn't that create much better impression of him then searching about him on the internet knowing that 50% of it will be just crap.

"Hyuck you're zoning out again"


"You haven't answered me yet"

"Oh about that I haven't seen his face yet , let alone know his body and features" I answered folding another shirt of mine and putting it inside my suitcase.


I stopped doing my thing and looked at him , I mean who won't? He literally shouted on my ears.

"Hey! Junnie you're gonna make me deaf" I said massaging my eyes as an act to show him that my ears were in pain.

"Hyuck are you kidding me why haven't you seen your fiance's face yet? "

"Isn't it better to see him in person? " I replied, stating the obvious

And he gave me an "Are you fucking serious? " Look

There was silence for a moment before he sighed and sat down beside me

" You know what, I'm so done with you .Go on and marry that Minhyung or Minhing or whatever his name is. For now buy me food I'm really hungry after hearing about your marriage and fiance"

"You're always hungry stop blaming me " I replied throwing a shirt of mine over his face.

But then many thoughts came into my mind specially the negative ones.

Am I really gonna regret it?

Am I really making the wrong decision?

Should I run away ?

"Come let's go to the nearest restaurant " Junnie's words brought me out of my thoughts.

"Okay let's go. What do you wanna eat? " I asked before intertwining our hands and walking off to our destination.

"I'll have Phat kaphrao"

"Okay Phat kaphrao it is" I said

And we went off to have our dinner.

And I knew,

I won't regret it.


" I'll miss you " Junnie said while engulfing me into a tight hug.

"I'll miss you too Junnie. But right now you're gonna kill me " I giggled while freeing myself from his hug.

Can't believe that it's already time to go to S. Korea. Wasn't it like yesterday when my dad came to me telling me that I'll be marrying Lee Minhyung.

And this bunny right here is crying and squeezing me in the airport.

I'll miss him bad.

"Sorry. Call me when you reach and if your fiance turns out to be a jerk and treats you wrong then just give me a call. I'll come right away to kill him" he said while sniffing

How can such an adorable being be this threatening

"Okay I will ,now I'll be off or else I'll miss my flight"

"Bye " He said for the nth times this day and hugged me before waving me goodbye.

After the crying scene in the airport I finally got inside the plane. And luckily my seat is the window seat. Not that I'm afraid it's just that seeing the view from the window kinda calms me down especially at times like this it's a healing time for me..

I'm looking forward to everything that's about to come.

Intricated Marriage {Markhyuck}Where stories live. Discover now