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   LOOKING UP at the statue a familiar figure walking by with a rose "Weds" I nudge my sister, She turned to me before walking towards where my mother was going.

I watch as she ripped the petals off throwing them to the grave, As she walked away I opened the gates running to see what it was "Woah," I muttered seeing the carved name of Garett gates


Walking along the buffet I spotted Enid who was smiling and waving at me, Blinking back at her I turned back to my sister. I still feel like someone is squeezing my heart every time I see her.

Sitting back down I looked around my surroundings, Suddenly police officers came from every corner walking towards our table. "may I help you, Sheriff?" My father stood up "You're under arrest for the murder of Garrett Gates, You ought to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" He cuffed him.

"Dad?" My brother choked out, I turned around seeing tears in my mother's eyes. Did it take me back a little? Yes, tears? In my mother's eyes? you know that this is serious.


I stayed back watching my sister sit down in front of the glass door, Thing climbed the glass as my father his hand against it. the sound of him scraping down the glass made me cringe.

"My little tormentas how's your mother?" He asked "Devastated, She hates you in orange, I caught her laying a rose on a gave earlier today. the headstone read  Garette Gates" She continued, I stepped closer to the glass leaning in "The very boy you've been arrested for murder...Care to explain?"

he swallowed a breath "Garette was infatuated with your mother" he said "he mistook her kindness for interest, his infatuation turned into an obsession and he started stalking her"

"Why didn't you call the police?" Wednesday mentioned "We tried, but his family was the oldest and richest in Jericho. No one believed us, Garette's father, An outcast-hating bigot was furious that your mother has accused his only son"

"it all came to head that night of the rave'N" He closed his eyes "Your mother and I stepped out to catch our breath and that's when I saw him, He had broken into the school his twisted love for your mother had made him insane. His eyes bore into me brimming with murderous intent"

"My life flashed before my eyes" He shook his head "Driven by jealousy and hate, Garette was unstoppable... When I saw the sword my survival instinct kicked in, it was a terrible accident" I watched as Wednesday shuffled in her seat, the story was quite amusing.

"I'm sorry I wasn't a better father" He squinted his eyes blocking his tears "Could we please do this without the overt display of emotion?" He raised his hands "I know that makes you uncomfortable"

"how many fathers hand their daughters a fencing blade when they were 5?" I pointed out "You both had saber strokes of an essay of perfection"

"Or teach them how to swim with sharks?" He smiled "They found you both as cold-blooded as I do" He pointed to himself "the right way to flay a rattlesnake?"

"They really do taste like chicken when prepared properly" He pointed at us "Our point is, You taught us how to be strong and independent, How to navigate ourselves in a world full of treachery and prejudice, You are the reason we understand how imperative it is that we never lose sight of ourselves"

Wednesday continued as his eyes soften "So as far as fatherhood goes, I would say you've been more than adequate"

he looked at us nodding "Gracias girls" Wednesday got up and I swore she smiled a little "hey, Let me talk to him for a bit?" She took a second and walked away, "Father" His eyes shot up "Claire, what is the matter?"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now