No Christmas!!!

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Hey Unicorn Stars
It's that special time of year again; it's Christmas time but one person doesn't like celebrating Christmas until...

It was the day before Christmas, the Beast Family had just finished decorating the castle when the Haywoods walked in, without Cassidy...

"Hey, Haywoods. Merry Christmas!!" Mal said hugging Bailey tightly.

"Merry Christmas and I can't breath," Bailey said making Ben, Jay, and Carlos pull Mal off of her. Bailey thanks them as she heavily breathes.

"Sorry. Mal gets very excited for Christmas." Ben said.

"So are you excited for your first Christmas in Auradon?" Bella asked her boyfriend as she hugs him.

"Of course," Tuck said.

"Yayyyy!!" Bella cheers and notices that Cassidy wasn't with them.

"Where's Casey?"

"Cassidy... doesn't like celebrating Christmas," Beau said.

The Beast Family gasped with horror.

"What?!" Mal asked.

" Yeah, Cassidy made us ban Christmas, just like she made us music from our lives." Beau said.

Ben and Mal look confused but Bella understood.

"Let me guess, it's hard to celebrate without your mom." Bella said.

"Yeah, but we want to so we're sleeping over," Brody said as everyone shows their sleeping bags.

"Yeah, well you're invited to our Christmas Party tonight." Ben said.

"Come and help us with the decorations." Mal said.

"So... Cassidy is just going to skip Christmas?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, but we won't. Let's go." Dylan said.

Everyone went to the ballroom but Bella stayed behind. She was too sad thinking about Cassidy not wanting to celebrate Christmas with her family and friends. Bella was looking forward to having all of the Haywoods at the party. But one was going to be home alone on Christmas.

Tuck noticed that Bella was sad...

"Are you OK, baby?" Tuck asked his girlfriend.

"Yeah. I just wish that Cassidy didn't want to skip Christmas." Bella said.

"I know. We all do but we can't change her mind. Why don't we make some hot chocolate to cheer you up?" Tuck suggested.

"Hot chocolate does sound nice." Bella said.

After getting the hot chocolate, Bella gets an idea.

Skip time till the party...

The Beast Family and Haywoods; except Cassidy; was at the party but Bella ran out of the castle; with her red ball gown dress and a green dress for Cassidy and a special gift.

Bella came to the house and found Cassidy in the living room, sitting on the couch. Cassidy was looking at old family Christmas pictures that had her mom in them. Bella opens the door and Cassidy was surprised to see her in a ball gown.

"Bella? What are you doing here?" Cassidy asked.

"That's what I want to know. Why are you spending Christmas on your own?" Bella asked sitting next to Cassidy.

"I just... I really miss my mom and our holiday traditions and I don't want to celebrate Christmas without her, plus it's weird how we do different things." Cassidy said sadly.

"Aww... I get it." Bella said making Cassidy look at her.


"Yeah. I mean, I'm a princess and every year on Christmas, it's always different but the one thing that didn't change was the love for my family and you should be happy to have that your family still loves you, especially on Christmas." Bella said.

"I hate Christmas," Cassidy said.

"You know... you sound like Emmy." Bella said.

"Emmy? Who's Emmy?" Cassidy asked.

"She's a girl who hated Christmas so bad that she wanted to destroy it," Bella said.

"What? Why?" Cassidy said.

"Because she missed her mom and she was adopted by a family who tried everything but she wanted to ruin Christmas for them. It's actually my favorite story. It's called A Christmas Tail and it comes with this." Bella said reaching for the gift bag.

Bella pulls out a white snow globe, with a house...

"A snow globe?" Cassidy questions.

"Yep," Bella said handing it to Cassidy. "Go on."

Cassidy takes the globe and Bella turns the key and "Oh Christmas Tree" starts playing. Cassidy was amazed by the globe...

Let me tell you the story of Emmy Medley, a girl who almost destroyed Christmas many, many years ago...

Now, the story is Bella tells Cassidy is the next chapter and the Characters Of A Christmas Tail are the Haywoods, Bailey, Mal, Evie, and Uma. Just follow along.

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