Chapter 1

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Infront of us is the Funso's Funzone , inside there is a banner that says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEBBY" A seagul, a walrus and a blue crab they play ducktales instrumental theme. Webby jumps over the blue crab "Whoo-hoo!" Webby exclaimes as she throws her fist up on the air. The birthday girl squeals in excitment, clapping her hands going somewhere. Webby runs past Gyro, Manny and Boyd, the robot hits the piñata.

She walks past by Dewey and Violet playing an rythmn game. Lena uses her magic so Violet can win, Dewey groaned in defeat as Violet and Lena high-fived eachother. Webby quietly giggles and looks at Fethry grabbing a burger and leaves. The girl walks up to the waitress " Could I get a large cup, for water?"

Webby asks as she squints her eyes at the woman. The waitress squinted back nodding giving her the cup. Then Webby walks up to the soda station whislting not putting water but Pep!. Louie gasps " That's not water." As he wipes his happy tears

"Learned from the best!" She winks at Louie leaving him. Webby squeals jumping around going to her Aunt and Granny. "My very own birthday at funso's!" She says happily turning to her Aunt Claire. " How many coupons did you have saved up, aunt Claire?" Webby asked, Beakly stared at Claire waiting for her to answer. "Oh, er. Well. I--" Mrs. Beakley cuts her off. " She actually paid full price." The granny answerd. Webby gasped, dropping her cup of Pep staring in shock to Claire.

She runs up to her hugging her. Claire grunted. Huey camed up to them with party hats. "Don't forget your party hats!" Huey reminded, looking on he's clipboard. " We've got a few no-shows who didn't rsvp." He handed the trio hats "But the area's free of beagles, sorceresses, and Glomgolds in disguese, so we should be good... For a very normal party." Huey looked at them.

Claire and Beakley looked at eachother nodding with a serious face. Beakley putted her party hat but Claire didn't.

Gladstone throws the ball on 100 too many times, while eating a hotdog. Donald and Della tried to make the shot but didn't work. Donald grunted in pain cause he got hitted by the metal ball and falled on his back. Daisy threw the ball gently making in land on the 100 "Ah. Looks like I win." Daisy said flipping her hair gently. " Well, dang! Guess you hit the jackpot, too, don." Della said going up to Daisy putting an arm around her shoulder. Fethry camed to them " Donald, allow me to bequeath you a bon voyage gift." He gaves donald a toy. "May it help you pick up tiny items on your journey."

Donald and Daisy went eye wided. "Journey?" Della frowned her eyebrows. Daisy waves her hand infront of her face. " Oh, he must be confused." Donald cover his cousin's beak "Crazy, cousin Fethry..." Donald says sweating, pointing him with his thumb "Oh, so you're not leaving with your lady love to sail the ocean blue?" The cousin asked while Donald panics shaking his head. "And it won't just be the two of you on the houseboat, far away from your family which I'm not supposed to tell Dell-" Fethry realises that Della is here. " Uh, what? You're leaving?" Della asked confused , choking Daisy. "Well, I, uh..." Donald tried to find words. "We thought we'd have our own little advenTURE." Della chokes Daisy bit hard. Della turns to her twin with frowned brows, gritting her teeth. "That'a great! I'm very happy for you both!" Daisy still chokes. Donald looked away ashamed. Glandstone walks up to Fethry.

" Hey look, twenty dollars! Over there, far away from awkward family drama." Glandstone pushes Fethry away from the group.

"This is nerve-racking. Panic-inducing. Positively hyper-ventilitory." Fenton rambles in panic. The latin hispanic turns to Drake Mallard. " Where is Gandra? Has she been take by F.O.W.L?" He says looking back to his phone texting. "I haven't been able to contact her for weeks!" Fenton says sadly, Launchpad puts his hand on the interns. "Don't worey. I'm sure her phone just ran out of battery and when she went back to the office to get the charger, the evil organization she works for captured her. Happens all the time."

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