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   MY BACK was already hurting but this was pretty fun, "This reminds me of when you two got your first grave-digging kit" my mother said from above. "You were so happy you nearly smiled"

"Are you sure you don't wanna join" Wednesday looked back at our mother "Um.." she looked at her nails "No that's okay Darlings I don't wanna spoil your fun"

Hitting something I nudged Wednesday "look" She brushed off showing the words written on a gold plate "Moment of truth"

She turned open the grave with a grieving smell hitting me, it was pleasant to her at least "Hello Garett, I was right"

"Well, well what do we have here? guess there's going to be an Addams family reunion, Pack it up... You're all under arrest"


The door clung as it shut as I listened to my parents kiss, "Oh god" I muttered as they gave long speeches to each other "I've seen Jackels with more self-control than you two" Wednesday turned to our parents "Neither one of you are strong enough to serve a hard time, and thanks to us you won't have to"

"I knew our little jailbirds would have an escape plan" My dad wailed, Pulling out a wrapped cloth from my pocket I unfolded it "it's a souvenir from our outing I borrowed from Garett. He died from Nightshade poisoning" My mother held up a finger.

"The remarkable preservation of soft tissue and blue tint confirms it" Wednesday continued "Which means Garett was dying-" "Before you stabbed him" I finished "You look even more Ravishing as an innocent woman" My father stared at her, god they give me the shivers.

"For once could you two get off each other and focus" Wednesday grabbed the finger before her head shot back, I held her shoulder not wanting her to fall.

"Um-" I raised my hand at her "vision" She nodded and we fell into a moment of silence before she came back "Wednesday?" Her hair was all messy.

"Did you have a vision? what happened? what did you see?" My mother leaned closer to her "The night Garett died, He had a vial of Nightshade poisoning that broke in his pocket, He was't just trying to kill father"

"he was going to murder the entire school using the poison" I finished for her as my father gasped.


"Thanks for seeing us at such short notice, Mr. Mayor" My mother smiled "yes well, veiled threats have that effect" I walked towards him holding the fabric "Garett gates wasn't killed by a stab wound" I laid the finger on the table as he tried not to puke.

"That blue shade is a telltale sign of Nightshade poisoning" my mother explained as Wednesday stood next to me "But you already knew that, Didn't you?"

"because back when you were Sheriff you were in charge of the cover-up" He sighed "Ansel Gates hated outcasts and Nevermore he claimed the school was built on stolen land from his family 200 years ago"

"Garett went there that night to spike the punch" He explained "And killed all the kids at that dance Ansel confessed everything in a drunken stupor to me, It was his idea" "Why did you instruct Dr. Anwar to falsify the autopsy report? you already knew the truth about how he really died"

"Listen, My job was to keep at peace if there had been a trial, Both Jerico's and Nevermore's reputations would have been trashed" "I think the only reputation you were worried about ruining was your own, I remember Garett bragging to me that his father had the sheriff in his pocket. One year later you get elected Mayor,"

"No doubt with the full support of Ansel Gates" She smiled at him "I resent your implication" He snapped back " what I resent is that you could have prevented Garett's death if you have done your job with I lodged my complaint about him stalking me, But no. men like you have no idea what it feels like not to be believed"

"What do you want" He bit his lip "All charges dropped, my father will be realized immediately with a full and unequivocal apology from the Sheriff's office" I tilted my head at him "Do we have a deal?"


Walking out of the Mayor's office I stretched hearing my back crack "Oh my god, that was fun" I turned to my mother which was smiling "You were very impressive in there" Wednesday said to her "When did your vision begin?"

"A few months ago, before I left for Nevermore" Wednesday replied "I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could tell me, I know we've had our difficulties lately. Navigating the treacherous shoals of our Mother-daughters relationship but I'm always here for you both"

She turned to her "Sometimes when I touch someone or something. I get these violent glimpses from the past and future"

"I can't really maintain my shapeshifting composure" I cut in "We don't know how to control our abilities "Our psychic ability resides on the spectrum of who we are, Given my disposition, my visions tend to be positive makes me a dove, Claire, It's all based on your emotions. Everything or anyone you turn to you have to focus on them. You're an owl"

"And for someone like me? who sees the world through a darker lens?" She asked "You're a raven, Your visions are more potent, more powerful but without proper training, they can lead to madness"

"If I could help you I would but we're not trained by the living somebody from our bloodline reaches out from beyond to help us when we're ready" An idea lit up in my mind "Goody has, She has seen her before"

"Be careful Wednesday, Goody was a witch of great strength but her vengeance pushed her too far. Even she couldn't save herself." Suddenly my dad came out of the station whilst walking towards us Pugsly hugged him, and he pulled every one of us for a hug. it was quite pleasant.


I watched as Pugsly hugged Wednesday for way too long "Don't push it" She muttered "Well, we can't say parent's weekend wasn't a nail-biter" "I knew you didn't have what it takes to be a murderer" I said as his face fell "As much as it stings, Gracias my little death trap" He hugged Wednesday before coming to me.

"Good luck on the guy Darling, or girl" he hugged me too tight for my liking. 

As they all left Wednesday stood there for a  second "She was a shapeshifter," She showed me the yearbook "Weds, Mind If I go to the dorm? I'm really tired, You mind going to her yourself?"

She nodded turning around as I made my way to Ophelia hall "Where were you the whole day I was looking for you" A voice came from inside our dorm, Enid.

"None of your business" I stated back laying myself down on my bed before letting myself fall asleep whilst the girl was still looking at me. 

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now