Part five

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Chapter nine 

Pablo woke up feeling rested and content. He felt Emma on his arm as he took in her scent before really opening his eyes. He looked around her bedroom and saw how much the house felt and looked like her. It was really beautiful, old and vintage but with a modern feel.

Bricks and stone everywhere and dark almost black woodwork and a small courtyard. The house felt familiar. Checking the time he carefully got out of bed and put his clothes on. He looked for keys and after checking some of them he took the keys and went outside. It was still early but that's why he loved New York, no matter what the time is, New York is always alive. He spotted one of his favorite foodspots making him smile, even his favorite food spot was close by. Stepping inside he was greeted by the owner.

Pablo? Emma called as she sat up in her bed

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Pablo? Emma called as she sat up in her bed. feeling her heart clench at his disappearance she looked over and saw something on the side of her bed.

Be right back


grabbing some clean clothes she quickly showered and did her makeup and hair. messy bun and just black sweats and an off shoulder black shirt. simple but very sexy. She hurried because he didn't have a key.

She smiled as she taught about last night and blushed as she felt his hands over her.

Sitting on the sofa she waited for Pablo but frowned as she heard keys minutes later.

Pablo carefully opened the door and stepped into the kitchen unaware that Emma was watching him. He took out everything he got. some croissants, pancakes and bacon even a fruitsalade and of course orange juice and coffee

Wow, you have gone all out Emma said as she watched him turn around and blush. Yeah I wanted to surprise you he shyly said as he watched her looking fucking sexy on the sofa biting her lip hiding her smile. After last night it was different. He was shy and that was new.

Sensing he was shy and nervous she got up and walked over to Pablo and kissed him

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Sensing he was shy and nervous she got up and walked over to Pablo and kissed him. and right before he pulled her close she stopped. goodmorning.. good morning he looked at and smiled. How did you sleep? - Perfect, he smiled. I grabbed your keys and used them. I hope you don't mind? - perfectly fine. I wanna eat inside or out. - It's kinda nice out. - outside it is follow me as she grabbed the food and drinks and walked back upstairs and opened the french doors in her bedroom revealing a loungeset on the terras outside of her bedroom

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