Dreams (part 2 of vil bakugo)

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(Funny story while I was searching for a picture for this part I ended up downloading 50 photos of Bakugo because I am a simp for this man like omg 😳)anyway...

(*Your quirk* is like you can control the elements such as wind, fire, ice, water,earth, and electricity)

You fell asleep on FaceTime with Bakugo and he stayed awake but didn't wanna wake you up.

Katsuki's pov

They are so cute when there asleep. I wish I was home with them. I don't have a good feeling about this mission. You begin to toss and turn under your covers.  You sat up in Bed and pulled the blanket closer to your chest. I   noticed your breathing was heavy and your hands where shaking and you looked like you where about to cry.

Your pov
"Is everything ok baby?" Katsuki said with concern in his voice. You pick up your phone and hold it in your hands and look down at the face of you husband on the screen. "Bad dream?" He said softly, you nodded and flicked on the lamp on your bedside table. You surround yourself in pillows. "Do you wanna talk about it baby." Katsuki said as he sits up in bed. "I dreamt that I l-lost you." You sniffle and your eyes begin to well up with tears. Your voice gets shaky and your breathing gets heavy. "Hey it's ok I'm still here. You don't have to worry about me." You curl up into the pillow in your arms. "Your never going to lose me. NOT TO SOME STUPID USELESS LOW LIFE VILLAINS! IM THE NUMBER ONE FUCKING HERO THEY WILL NEVER BEAT ME!" You giggle softly and he looks down at his phone. He's face softens as he sees your slightly red face with a small smile on it. "You don't have to worry about me dummy." He said "why don't you try to go back to bed I won't hang up." He added "I love you katsu." You say softly  "I love you to (Y/N)."

The next day you wake up to find that katsuki had hung up. But he probably had to go to work so you weren't mad about it. You get up out of bed and walk to the bathroom. You get in the shower before work. You step out of the shower and wrap a towel around you. You look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were puffy from crying and the bags under your eyes made you look like you were dead. You dry yourself off and put on your hero costume.

You make yourself a quick breakfast. Normally katsuki would make breakfast for the both of you. As you walk out the door and the sunlight hits your face you let out a sigh. It's just a patrol today there shouldn't be any major issues. You thought to yourself. As you walk around the area of Japan you your were assigned to patrol a few villains decided to make a scene and caught your attention. They had just robbed a bank and are holding someone hostage. You were alone today so you had to do this on your own. You called for backup as you run through the crowd. As you run onto the scene you hear someone say over the ear piece you have in. There is no hero available to help you with this and you would have to do this on your own.

Shit! how the hell will I do this? I'm out numbered and these people could get really hurt if this gets out of hand. What would Katsuki do if he was here? He would use an explosion to distract the villains and get as many people away as he could. Then immobilize the villains and wait for the authorities I can't make an explosion but...

A few minutes later

You pant trying to catch your breath as you tie up the villains and return everything they stole. When you walk out of the bank you are swarmed by reporters. You push through them and get to the villains and the start asking questions about katsuki. Of course they wanna talk about katsuki your happy for him but, your the one who just took down the villains not him. The police take the villains away. Your left with the question and people asking for a Autographs. You refuse and begin to walk away and one asks louder than the other. "Have you heard of your husband's disappearance?" The reporter said and a bunch of microphones were shoved in-front of your face. "W-what?" Is all you could manage to speak. They repeated the question but you were at a loss for words. You were then pulled out of the crowd by ochaco uraraka. She saw the tears in your eyes and tried to comfort you but all you could think was that you needed to get home. That if you went home maybe he would be there. You run to your car and call of work for the rest of the day and you drive home.

When you get there you pull out your phone and call katsuki as fast as possible. He doesn't answer but you try again and he still doesn't answer. Maybe he's just working I'll call him again later. You turn on the tv and walk to your bedroom and change into Katsuki's hoodie and some sweatpants. As you walk back to the living room you hear the reporter say over the tv "#1 hero Katsuki Bakugo is missing after a villain attack while on a mission in America. Earlier today we had a brief talk with (Y/N) Bakugo. The pro hero's partner and apparently they didn't know of the disappearance of the pro. You shut off the tv and throw the remote across the room. You pull you knees to your chest and lay your head on your knees. You cry into them as you clutch his hoodie in your hands.

(I really hope you like this so far. This is going to be a longer chapter because if not then I will be writing like a whole story about this. I guess I could but I already started this so yeah.)

The next morning

As you stand in the bathroom you pull your husband's favorite hoodie over your shoulders. Your hair wet from just getting out of the shower. You brush it and put into (hair style of choice). Your phone begins to ring, you pick up the phone and answer and say "hello?" Into the phone "hey (Y/N) how are you doing?"
Your husbands best friend says to you. "Have you found him yet kiri?" You say worried about him. " No I'm so sorry (Y/N) we haven't found anything or anything leads as to where he is." He says. Then you hear a sort of happy yelling from what sounds like Denki kaminari. "What is it man!" Kirishima yells to the electric blonde. "I found something!!" He replies as he runs over to kirishima he holds up what looks like one of Katsuki's bracers. The glove part of the bracer is close like a fist holding something. You look closer at it and see a white piece of paper. "Kiri look there something in it." You say and the red head pulls it out of the fist. He unfolds the tiny paper and it has a location on it. "Katsuki must have wrote this." He says and hold it up to the camera for you to see. We need to go there you say. "(Y/N) you can't go you weren't assigned to this mission." He reminds you. "Stay on the phone with me I need to be there for this mission." You say to them they look at you and then you at each other than back at you. "Listen I know you wanna find Bakubro but we can't stay on the phone with you (Y/N). Even if you are a hero you can't know any information from a mission you aren't assigned to. Even me talking to you right now could get me in trouble." Kirishima said to you with a concerned look. "I'm sorry (Y/N) I know you miss him. We are doing everything we can to find him." Kaminari says to you. "We will update you as soon as possible Y/N but we have to go." The both say and then hang up the phone. You don't put your phone down just yet. You call you agency and yell "I need to be added to the America mission now!!" You yell at the phone "Mrs. Bakugo we can't add you on the mission we can't lose you to." They said " I know you miss him we are doing what we can I'm so sorry dear." They added with pitying tone of voice. "You all say that your doing all you can to find him. So why haven't you found him!" You say you voice getting louder and you don't notice that you start yelling at the girl. "I need you to calm down (Y/N) . Think if they took dynamite  don't you think they would go after you too." She tried to comfort you but it only made you feel worse. You suck in a breath and apologize for raising your voice. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so mean." You say and you hang up the phone.

That night just like the the night before you tossed and turned. As you lie in bed your phone on the end stand buzzes. You don't wanna pick it up. Then it buzzes again and again. Eventually you pick up the phone and you have texts from kirishima.


Hey (Y/N)! Have you heard?
Are you awake?

You don't answer and put the phone down on your pillow. Then you phone rings and you cover your head with your pillow. You pick it up and hold it to your ear. "Hello."you say into it a little annoyed. "Have you heard!?" Kirishima said and seen very excited about what he had to say. "You have been added to the mission and they are flying you out hear with us tomorrow morning!!" He said "As soon as you get out here we have the permission to go to the location to find blasty." He added  "really!" You jump out of bed and run to your closet to pack. "I will meet you at the airport tomorrow ok." Kirishima reply "oh and get some rest tomorrow is going to be a long day.

 Katsuki Bakugo x  female reader  Where stories live. Discover now