The argument

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"Katsuki your home!" You exclaimed as your boyfriend of 3 years walks in. You jumped off the couch. He looked angry his hair was a mess and his face was covered in mud and dirt. "What happened katsuki? Was work ok? He sat at the kitchen table. He ran his hands through his hair. You grab a wash cloth wet it a little and begin to wipe the mud off his face. "God (Y/n) stop!" He yelled at you swatting your hand away. You continue to wipe the mud off his face. "How was work katsu?" You ask sitting at the table across from him. He mumbled something under his breath you couldn't understand. He slammed his hand on the table and stood up leaving the room. You begin to follow him and hear the tv Number 2 pro hero Katsuki Bakugo unable to stop rampaging villain and needs help from pro hero Deku. We have footage from dynamites fight today and he looked completely overpowered this villain was just to much for him. You walk into your shared bedroom and Katsuki wasn't in there. The shower began to run and you walk into the bathroom. "Katsuki I saw what happened." You say quietly "Then what are you doing here! Isn't it obvious that I don't need more problems to deal with!" He snapped at you his hands releasing small explosions. He grabbed your wrist pulling you into the bedroom. His hand was warm, really warm from the explosions before. It began heat up again and his hands started to smoke "ouch katsuki! Let go that burns!" You say struggling to remove your hand from his grasp. He let go realizing what he had done. "Baby! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"He panicked and pulled you into a hug. He picks you up and sets you on the bed. He kisses your forehead gently. "I'll be right back." He says before walking to the bathroom. When he returns he treats your burn. "I'm so sorry for hurting you baby." He said climbing into bed with you. He cuddles up to you. "Katsuki go take a shower you stink!" You say pushing him away. "You fucking stink to!" He says before
stomping away to the bathroom. "Let's go dumbass! Get in here!" He says glaring at you from the doorway. You join him in the bathroom.

You to get cleaned up and then cuddle for the rest of the night.

"Baby are you still awake?" He asked receiving a hum in response. " I'm so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean all those things that I said to you. I really didn't your never the problem baby." He says softly. You roll over to look at him. "I know you didn't mean it. You were just angry everyone says things they don't mean when they are angry." You said smiling sweetly at him. "I love you (Y/n)." He said pulling you Closer to him and kissing your lips softly.

"I love you too katsuki." You say softly.

The end

Sorry I know this is short :)

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