2. Who is he?

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I have a lot to tell to you! So now, I'm in trainee meeting room at Strawberry Entertainment. Here is few people, two boys and three girls if we count me too. Everyone is just awkwardly walking around the room and mumbling something to themselves. Do they have some words to say to Strawberry Entertainment's trainee finder? Their trainee finder tries to find new people from streets, malls and everywhere to come and audition to them. I was not found by the streets or anything, I just watch YouTube shorts too much, and one day my for you page chose a video, where was written that they have auditions open now. I became interested and checked their homepage for audition and then auditioned. Ouch, someone is coming to talk with me, maybe. That "someone" is a boy, who looks cute and have a good style, but why is he coming to have a chat WITH ME? Why didn't he choose another girl, those other two girls look so hot, like 10 times better than me. He is just ten meters away from me, I can feel how he walks straight way to me. When he comes closer, I notice that he looks as young or old as me, so that's good. Okay, he's here, with very intensive and kind of checking look. I hope he can talk to me, not just stare at me.                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Hi, h-how are you today? Nervous? He starts the chat. He's talking in English, maybe he doesn't know that I can speak Korean well. Many people say that I look like a Chinese person.             - Hello, I'm good. How about you? I answer with shy voice because I'm shy sometimes. I don't want to say that he can talk in Korean. His English speaking sounds really adorable.                                 - Same here. But I am nervous today, aren't you? He asks with big, nervous smile on his face.         - Little bit, yes. Can I ask your name? Very nice outfit by the way!                                                                   - Thank you, I like your shirt, it's creative. My name is Kim Tae-Min. What about your name?             - I am Hwang Ji-Soo, and then I stop speaking for while 'cause he looks confused about my name. Of course, he thought that I wasn't Korean. I continue speaking: - So, that means I'm from South Korea, same as you, right? Your English sounded cute, I wanted to hear it more. Sorry.               - No need to say sorry. Wow, I was sure you weren't from Korea. Thank you again for telling that you like my English accent. We can talk in English for sure. Nice to meet you, Ji-Soo.                      - Yes, happy to get to know you, Tae-Min. You want to be a k-pop -idol too?                                              - Yeah, right. It's my biggest dream at the moment. Debut in a boygroup.                                                

     In the middle of our conversation, Strawberry Entertainment's trainee finder comes. We all say hello and the finder is gonna herself in Korean. So, she's a girl, I would say 35-40 years old. She whispers "silence" and we all become silent. Woah, the power she holds, is incredible.                          - My name is Le-Lia. I am working at here. I'm trying to make you, our trainees, perfect idols in couple years. In quite short time, but it's possible when you listen to me and understand what I'm teaching to you. All six of you, did audition for us, and you passed the audition. Good job. About 5-10% of people who audition, can pass the audition, so you are in those. Please don't give up right away, when you don't learn something, just keep practicing and practicing. Practice is the thing what makes you a strong human. Listen to me. You will thank me later.                - I can't wait to get started with this project! And maybe I can debut in a group some day, someone says after Le-Lia's speech.                                                                                                                                 - Yes. You need to be realistic, and understand that your dream can't come true without much work. Y'all might think that I'm strict person, it's sometimes true though, but when I see a trainee getting better in singing, dancing or rapping, it's amazing to me, I'm not strict in that moment at all. I can be strict, I can be nice too. It depends on your attitude.                                              - So... what are we doing now, Le-Lia? I hear Tae-Min asking quietly.                                                              - Trainees, select a song which you want to dance. It needs to be a k-pop song, which has some choreography. Practice it for 10 minutes in silent place, you choose what are you doing, really practicing the dance or just watching your phone. Then come back to this room, I'm here the whole time, so if you have a question to ask, come to me.                                                                                    - Okay, understood. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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