CHAPTER THREE: It Is What It Is, And It Is Unexpected.

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<<Time Skip>>
Auther's Note (A/n)
"Warped voices."
POV Change

Third Person's POV, Following Harry.

As Harry ran out of the drawing room, he felt his stomach lurch painfully. As soon as he got out of the manor, Harry sprinted towards the property forest. Halfway there, he felt that change happening. He was turning.

"Fuck." He whimpered, panting. "No, got to.....get to the.....forest..." He said, blinded slightly by the pain.

He fell to the ground as the crackling of bones breaking filled the air. He screamed. Everything hurt. His legs, arms, spine, and core all felt like they were on fire.

Four long minutes later, a whimpering wolf pup huddled into himself. The crunching of leaves could be heard and soon, another wolf, slightly older, padded up to him and nudged the pup with his nose.

Harry Potter looked up to see Fenrir Greyback, in his wolf form, smiling wolfishly down at him. Harry tried to stand up. Key word- TRIED. He did a few more attempts before stumbling slightly as he finally got to his feet. Greyback inclined his head towards the forest and Harry nodded.

They ran off into the forest, nipping at eachother's heels and chasing rabbits and Lucius' silly albino peacocks. Harry was inclined to believe he had purchased them so that he got the impression of looking into a mirror. It wasn't too far off, either. They are both cocky, self-important, and think they are above others.

Harry and Greyback played for many hours and by sunrise, they were both thoroughly exhausted. Around about five AM, when the sun was starting to show above the mountains, they started trudging up to the inky black manor doors that contrasted beautifully with the deep, dusty blue exterior. When they were roughly seven meters away, they started changing back into their regular and very tired human selves.

They each conjured muggle sweatpants and oversized t-shirts onto themselves before walking into the main entrance hall. Harry and Greyback walked into the drawing room and curled up onto each of the two sofas. Against their pale skin, the eyebags they had aquired looked terribly dark and sunken-in.

They fell asleep almost as soon and their heads hit the cushions. They were so tired, it didn't matter to them how comfortable they were or how cold. All they cared about was the long sleep they would have after Harry's first transformation.

Many hours later, at nine AM, Draco, Lucius, and Narcissa walked into the drawing room to see the two sleeping Werewolves on either couch. Draco, who had eyes only for his Harry, went over and started cuddling with the bean. Luci and Cissa smiled at this and went to read.

Tom-Tom had been in Bulgaria and France for the larger part of that week and would not be returning for another two fortnights. As he had taken Bella, the LeStrange twins, Dolohov, McNair, and Barty Crouch Jr. with him, they had the house to themselves for a little while before the chaos and mayhem that was the mentally six-year-old psychopaths.

(A/n: I believe that we all have that child-like joy in somethings and these children are just a little curse-happy.)

Soon, Harry stirred, adjusting his position to have Draco on top of him with his arms around the older boy's waist. Lucius chuckled. He had always been accepting of his son's relationships. Except for that girl, Astoria. She was never good for him. He would always come home lookings either upset or agitated and was very distant. Harry had made him happier than Lucius had ever seen him from the time when he was seven.

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