CHAPTER FOUR: It Is What It Is, And It Is A Useless Fucking Hearing

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<<Time Skip>>
Auther's Note (A/n)
"Warped voices."
POV Change

Third Person's POV

After the delight that was ruining Dumbledick's reputation, Malfoy Manor was put intoa sense of bliss and contentment. Everyone was thoroughly ready for the new school year and Harry expected to be re-sorted at the begining of the feast.

All in all, the summer that was now coming to a close was going very well indeed. That was until Harry recived an owl from the Ministry of Magic requiring him to a hearing with Albitch Dumbledick. When Harry got he letter, he was both confused and annoyed.

The date was set for August the thirty-first. *That is a bit of a problem.* Harry thought, dryly. *Who the hell schedules disiplinary hearing the day before fucking school starts?!* It was pathetic. He walked into the dining room, clutching the letter in his shakey grasp.

"Fudge has summoned me to a fucking hearing on the thirty-first of fucking August!" He seethed, his magic rampaging and setting everyone on edge.Draco stood up and hugged him, calming the taller boy down. "It'll be fine, love. Whatever he wants can and will be dealt with. Plus, we already have everything for school."

Harry took a long, deep breath and hugged Draco. He knew that his boyfriend was right, after all. Still, how in Mother Earth's name was he expected to be able to balance his schedule with the Deatheater meeting and preparing for school? Fudge, of course, knew nothing of the Deatheater meeting. Still...

<<At the hearing>>

"Harry James Potter, accused of lies and decite towards Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore." Fudge started. "Professor Dumbledore, you are permitted to speak first."

"Harry has lied about being abused for four years. He has come to me multiple times claiming that he has been abused. But, every time I asked for proof, he denied and walked away." Dumbles started, feighning sincerity.

Harry fumed, wanting to step forward and say something, but was stopped by a look from Draco.

"Right then, defendant one of Albus Dumbledore, Ronald Bilius Weasly."

Ronald stood up.

"Harry has always acted perfectly fine and has never shown any signs of abuse or anything like that. He only really started complaining about it in second year, and even then he played it off as if it was nothing. He's just an attention seeker." He started to say something but Harry had had enough.

"Well fuck you, too, Ron. You know nothing about-"

"Mr. Potter, that is quite enough. You will wait-"

"NO. I will not fucking wait. Get out the pensive or cast a memoria charm, then we can see who the damn attention seeker is."

Fudge sighed. "Very well, then. Madam Umbridge, the memoria, if you will?"

She nodded and stood up, as did Kingsly Shacklebolt, Mad-eye Moody, and Fudge. Draco stood and put a hand on Harry's shoulder. As one, Shacklebolt, Moody, Umbridge, Fudge, Dumbledore, and Ronald all put their hands on Draco's shoulder.

"Now." Umbridge started, "When I cast the charm, no one is permitted to touch anyone. When I cast it, Lucius Malfoy will catch us with the levitation charm and set us down softly onto the floor. Understood?"

There was a collective murmur of "Yes, Madam Umbridge." and other similar forms. She nodded briskly. "Now,"

"Memoria Revelio."

Everyone soon popped into a tiny crawlspace. Harry sighed warily.

"I guess we're starting early, at the very begining."

Soon, there was a knock somewhere and they detected a bit of movement.

"Brat! Wake up. It's Duddy's birthday. Stop being a lazy little bitch and get UP." Came a female voice to their right.

A small voice could be heard next, to their left.

"Yes Aunt-" He stopped dead.

"What the fuck did you just call me?!" She thundered.

The door to the closet was wrenched open and light shone on a tiny boy, looking maybe four or five at most. He was cowering into the wall, inching into it as though he wanted to be sucked into it, away from the murderous glower that came from the thin woman above him.

"You have been told countless times to call me Ma'am and for you to call Vernon and my Dudley Sir. You are a disgrace. You can't even handle simple instructions!"

Young Harry flinched at every word she spat at him, venom coursing through each sylable.

"Y-yes, Ma'am, sorry, Ma'am."

He spoke in a hoarse voice, suggesting he had been either crying or screaming; likely the latter. She looked both smug and disgusted.

"Good. Now, get your lazy arse into the kitchen and start cooking breakfast. If you burn it, you had better pray." She spoke with a threat clear in her voice and he nodded vigorously.

"Y-yes, Ma'am, right away, Ma'am."

He got up quickly and walked to the kitchen with his head down. He started to stir the oatmeal and flip the bacon. He started to get a glas of water but it slipped, shattering into tiny peices. His heart stopped. He soon heard heavy footfalls and a gasp of rage and horror.

"You useless peice of scum! That was my nice glass, you imbicile! And you-" Vernon Dursly stopped, sniffing the air. "You bloody moron! You've gone and burnt the fucking bacon!"

He smacked Harry upside his head while punching and kicking him. Harry was whimpering, pleading for him to stop. Eventually, he stopped, hitching Harry up by his armpits and burning his arms with the stove.


Fudge was fuming and everyone soon took their respective seats. There was a lot of commotion. Fudge banged the gaval on the table in front of him and called order to the court.

"After much disturbing evidence, including a hand-writen letter from Dumbledore, telling Harry Potter's muggle relitives to quote 'Beat the magic out of him.' We have found Mr. Potter free of all charges accused and put forth by Albus Dumbledore. As for you, Albus,"

"I hereby sentence Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore to life in Azkaban for child endangerment, illegal guardianship, theft, and deadly blocks and potions on a minor without consent. SO MOTE IT BE."

Word count:1100

Hello, Lovelies. So far, I have one vote for Blaise x twins and one vote for Lee x twins. In just over one week, on the last day of Hanukkah, I will release the chapter that decides who will be shipped with the twins; but I need you guys to vote on who it should be. As it currently is, no one has voted for Seamus Finnigan so he is out of the running. I will stop taking votes at 11:59 on Christmas day. Please tag your Harry potter fanclub friends and get them to vote as well. Bye, Lovelies!

Lee Jordan: 1

Blaise Zabini: 1

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