Does he know?

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But does he know you call me when he sleeps? Does he know the reason why you cry?

The first beep... The second... The third... At the other end of the wire someone picked up quickly.

"Daphne?" a quick answer, because the man knew who called.

"Can we talk?" again.

This call was not the first, the name of the calling girl was forever recorded in Stan's phone book. He broke up with Daphne Hill relatively recently, but did not have time to delete her number. Or didn't want to. Although it was more likely that she broke up with him, because Sebastian is an actor, his schedule is complex and unpredictable, and after accidentally getting into the network of photos where the actor and the girl are together, a wave of hatred from fans poured on Daphne. For a simple girl from a small town, this was unbearable, and then she decided to break up with the man.

"Of course, you're in trouble?" Stan asked with slight concern, knowing the answer.

Daphne has been dialing this number for a week now, deliberately at night so her new boyfriend won't hear her. It cannot be said that he controlled her, quite the opposite, but the girl herself could not admit to herself that she had not stopped loving Sebastian, as she had promised herself.

"Yes ... I mean, no, everything is fine. I'm fine..."

It was impossible to tell from her voice. Actually, Stan already knew this.

"I know this tone of yours. Tell me where you are I'll be right there."

The girl without hesitation gave the address, albeit a little slurred due to the alcohol she had drunk, and put the phone in her purse. She went out into the fresh air to cool off, because the club was incredibly hot. Five minutes later, Daphne saw a sports car pull up and drive over to the parking lot. Sebastian hurried out of the car and put the girl inside.

"What were you doing here? All alone," Stan asked casually, glancing at Hill in the rearview mirror.

"I dont know. Really... I'm sorry," Daphne replied, turning away to look out the window.

There were no more questions. They were both smart enough not to talk about it like that, and Sebastian also understood why the girl, when she was alone in a nightclub, called her ex and not her current boyfriend. Although in reality it was just incredibly obvious.

The car stopped near a luxurious mansion almost on the outskirts of the city.

"We're here," Stan said, opening the door for Daphne.

The girl already knew this, it was not the first time she had been here. A little over a year ago, when they just started dating Sebastian, he often invited Daphne to his place to be alone without prying eyes. Old memories flashed through my head.

"Thank you, Sebastian," the girl said, getting out of the car and walking inside the house.

She remembered this house as well as her own, literally by heart. Here is a glass table in the hallway, on which there is an aromatic candle. Daphne gave it to a man for his birthday six months ago. He didn't light it up. The candle had a special smell of cinnamon and mint with fresh notes of orange, because it was made to order. This unusual combination reminded Stan of the girl, so he did not dare to light a candle for so long. He did not want to stir up the past: it would be too painful.

With her eyes, the girl ran around the entire room, renewing all its features in her memory. Pleasant warmth spread through the body, as if it recognized this place.

"So what were you doing there?" Stan asked again, more insistently.

"I really do not know. This club was our place for a while and... I went there because... God, that's embarrassing to say."

"You're already here, you'll have to say."

In fact, Sebastian guessed everything. The girl could not forget him just like he did her.

"Does he know that you call me when he is sleeping?" Another question from a man to which he already knew the answer in advance.

"Tell me, does he know about the photos you keep on your phone? Does he know who your heart goes out to?"

Daphne turned away. Tears began to come, and she did not want the man to know and see that she was crying.

"No. And ihe shouldn't, it's just our problem. Yours and mine." A few alcoholic cocktails affected the brain. It desperately tried to somehow keep sobriety, but it wanted to fight in hysterics.

A moment of silence, and Stan turned Hill to face him, looking her straight in the eyes.

"Problem? Mine and yours? You left me a month ago, but for a week now you've been calling me at night, secretly from your new boyfriend. How could this even be my problem?"

Stan got excited, and in vain, than he scared the girl.

The girl finally gave up and gave vent to tears. They ran down her cheeks, and Sebastian hurriedly wiped them away with his thumbs.

"Well, well, my dear, you must not cry. I know that you couldn't forget me. I couldn't forget our love. As I..."

Hearing these words, Daphne looked up at the man. His blue eyes radiated only love at that moment. Just as pure and strong as then - a year ago. She smiled slightly.

"I thought you hated me for breaking up. I ... - words they didn't want to go out, but they didn't have to.

"God, Daphne, I can never hate you. I still love you..."

Sebastian leaned closer to her face and softly touched her lips with his. Daphne's lips were soft and sweet as honey. He enjoyed them, feeling their warmth, and the girl did not interfere with this, going limp in strong male hands.

They say that the heart cannot be ordered what and for whom to feel, love cannot end when people feel at least something for each other. And let years, centuries, millennia pass, but love will not die until the last couple of people who know what it is die.

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