Chapter 1

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Wolfie's POV:

I vaguely love Ninjago, well not because I live in a city but I live with friends who care about each other. I love them all equally as friends and I kinda have a big crush Zane but decided to hide that. Zane used to date Pixal but broke up because they don't think it will work out. To me I thought it would work out but I guess it didn't somehow. They still remain as good friends. Anyway I'm getting off topic.

Ninjago is just beautiful and lovely not because of the people or technology. I just grew up here with the bestest friends and brother I ever had. Wu told me stories about another land named Knighton. He told me it's not like Ninjago, it's more like fantasy, which I'll take it. Anyway I was training out in the courtyard, practicing some techniques I recently learned. Wu watched me and smiled which I didn't noticed. That's when I heard a knock on the door. Wu walked over and opened it.

"H-Halbert...?" Wu said with a shock expression

"Hello, Wu it's been a long time hasn't it" A guy wearing royalty clothing and his crown on his head said.

I decided not interrupt their conversation, it would be kind of rude. Some of my friends stayed here while some of the other's are out on missions. Zane, Pixal, Jay and Kai were in the Samurai X cave to do something, while Lloyd, Cole and Nya are out on missions. I kept practicing my new techniques I recently learned. When suddenly uncle Wu called my name.

"Wolfie, please stop what you doing and come over here" Wu demanded.

I stopped and draw back my sword. "Yes uncle" I said out loud. I walked over to Wu and the stranger.

Macy's POV:

I standing behind my father and my team was right behind me. Just then I heard my father's friend said something. "Wolfie, please stop what you doing and come over here" He said. A young female walked over, she has long white hair and on the top of her head are wolf ears. She was wearing some uniform probably for battle and she has bandages around her hands all the way up to her wrists.

"Wolfie, I want you to meet my good friend, King Halbert" Said the white bearded man said.

"It's pleasure of meeting you your majesty" she said.

My dad laughed and told her there is no need to be so formal. Then she noticed me and my team.

Wolfie's POV:

I noticed a group of knights behind King Halbert. "Excuse me Halbert but are those Knights behind you? I asked curiously. "Oh I forgot to introduced them to you, Macy, why don't you and your team talk to this young lady? I hope you become great friends like me and Wu." He said. "Wolfie, when your brother and some of your friends return, please introduce them" Wu said. I nodded and Wu and King Halbert went in the monastery to chat.

Now I was stuck with a group of knights I don't even know yet. "So you must be Macy" I said. The girl with red and wearing armor suit with a red symbol in the chest plate nodded. "And you must be Wolfie" She replied. I nodded, "Oh I want you to meet my friends" she said. She walked in and 4 other knights also walked in the monastery. "Guys introduced yourselves" she said to them.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Clay Moorington" a guy a suit armor with a blue symbol step forward and bowed. I let out a chuckle and told him something. "No need to be so formal about" he smiled. Then another knight came forward this time his armor was a lighter shade then the others, he had a ridiculous blonde hairdo that is like swept to side like Lloyd's. He had a light blue symbol on his chest plate. "Lance Richmond" he said. Guess he is like the jerk of the group. He reminds me of Jay expect Jay is not a jerk. We call him the annoying one of the team. Then a strong looking guy came forward he had a orange symbol on his chest plate. "I'm Axl, nice to meet ya" he said. And finally knight with a green symbol on his chest plate stepped forward. "And my name is Aaron, Aaron Fox" He said. I smiled and glad to meet new friends. "You all know my name but I'll say it again, my name is Wolfie, Wolfie Xearus - Heart Garmadon" I said. "Nice to meet you, Wolfie" Clay said. "How about I should introduce you to my team? I said, they all nodded. "Follow me" I said. The knights followed me into a room where Pixal's Samurai X cave is. "There is nothing here" Lance said. I rolled my eyes and took out small 3 ninja stars and throw them at the dart board. Which revealed a button, I pressed it and all of the knights were shocked. The wall revealed the entrance to Pixal's Samurai X cave. "What! How did you do that? Aaron asked. "Some things are best to keep as secret" I said. I walked over to the elevator and the knights followed and the elevator took us down to the cave. Me and knights walked and we spotted my friends. "Hey guys" I said. "Oh greetings Wolfie, oh and I see you brought some people" Zane said as he walked up to me. "Hey Wolfie, woah since when did knights start coming to Ninjago" Jay said and asks. "Jay, can you be quiet" I said with glare. "Okay Okay Okay, I'll won't do that again" Jay said with scared voice. "Sup Wolfie" Kai said. "Hello Wolfie" Pixal said I looked up and saw her with smile. I smiled back at her as a greeting. "So are you going introduce us? Jay asked. "Right. Clay, Macy, Lance, Axl and Aaron I want you all to meet my team. The ninja." I said. "I'm Kai, Kai Smith, nice to meet ya". Kai said as he introduced himself. "Jay is my name, Jay Walker" Jay said with a smile. "My name is Zane, Zane Julian. I'm also a nindroid " Zane said with wave and smile. "And up there on that mech is Pixal, she's a samurai" I said pointed up at her. Pixal looked down at the knights and waved.

They all waved back, "Well now that you introduce your names it's introduced ours" Clay said. "I'm Clay Moorington and this is my team" Clay said. "Lance Richmond" Lance said as he introduced himself. "Macy Halbert and that's Axl and Aaron" Said Macy she pointed at the Green Knight and orange knight.

Things are going great so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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