Part 2:Awakening.

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I woke up under water, for some reason. It was weird, yeah , but I remembered what happened. I turned my head up and looked at the bleary ice, dulling. I wondered if I could even make it out in ti- My thoughts were halted by the infamous sound of something breaking. To be specific, ICE breaking. I looked up again, and saw that something black was pulling me out. Stranger ,it was U N D E R the ice, hoisting me up and out. I felt fresh air hit my face as I was pulled out, which felt nice. I looked around for my saviour, only to realise it was a tentacle protruding from my back. I was not alarmed though. It felt like It had always been there and I had always known about it. Just as I was going to wonder where I could go, I felt that tentacle split into 8 pieces, before it hit me that I had some how made my way into Undertale. If I was correct, there was a place called "Grillby's". The second I thought of there, the 8 pieces moved for me. They moved orderly, like a animal on all fours would. The time I had stopped wondering, we was there.  One of the eight pieces opened the doors, whilst the others pulled me through. I felt everyone talking go silent with fear, and perhaps confusion on what the hell this "thing" (me) was. I looked around, letting the feelings hit me like a train. I smiled. It felt nice to be somewhere familiar for once .I felt the tendril retract back into my clothing and into my back. I was glad, as I knew they might knock something over. "Hey, I said do you hear me?" a rough voice snapped me back to reality. "huh? oh no. I was too busy MINDING MY BUISNESS." That got alot of "oooooooooooos" from people. the voice snapped "FINE! Let's take this outside!" the voice said. I turned around, seeing that the voice belonged to a monster. "Mkay, if you insist." I casually said. The second we got outside, the idiot took offense, so naturally, I took defense. He took a good swing at me, but before he could even get close, his eyes widened as a tendril coiled around his wrist before throwing him up into the air, as I felt myself dash along the air before dealing a violent round house kick to his lower jaw, hurling him back towards the ground, leaving a crater. I smiled, his fury and anger was giving me power. He took another swing, so I ducked and upper cutted his skull, causing him to become stunned. As he was in a stunned state, I sharped my hand into a blade before driving it inside him, drawing blood. He tried to cough blood, but was knocked down by one of my explosions. I had grown bored, and decided to end it. I lunged forwards, one of my tendrils morphing to become a clawed hand, dragging him along the floor, leaving a snow trail before throwing him back onto his feet, and dealing a violent as hell hell maker to his spine, shattering a few ribs, and creating a explosion, breaking his lower spine. "What's your name, mortal?" I asked. "C-cane." He barely managed to stutter through pain. "Good bye, Cane." I said as I turned and walked back inside, aware I had a audience for that beat down. Immediately, people liked me and I grown a cult (not a bad one, just alot of people following me.) because apparently that idiot was the "toughest" person that went there. It had grown so much to the point the owner had made a throne for me, for even he was afraid of the idiot. I liked this.

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