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While Wednesdays face was shocked but her face also turns red Enid makes eye contact with Wednesday and starts licking her lips Wednesday looks and says Enid why don't u lick somewhere else other than ur lips Enid says why not mummy in a flustered voice
Wednesday says good girl
Enid starts taking Wednesdays clothes off she unstraps her bra and takes her nickers of. Revealing her soft cold skin
Enid starts rushing in desperately running her tounge round her clit Wednesday gets a warm feeling again Enid starts sucking her clit Wednesday say ohhh yes right there Enid suck it hard

Enid loved these noises so she sucked harder
Wednesday Moans ahh~ Enid~ ur too good fuck
Enid put not 2 but 3 fingers in deep pumping it in and out Wednesdays bites her lips as she moans Enid then started licking it again Wednesday grabs on to Enid's hair
Enid loves it when she grabs on to her hair

Wendnesday could hold back she then shot her load out on Enid's face enid says ohhh so u enjoyed it with a smirking face and while Wednesday is panting she says YES Wednesday says in a loud soft panting voice
They both get cleaned up

They both get changed into there school uniform and they both start heading towards class

Chapter 4 >

The awakening of WENCLAIR Where stories live. Discover now