Meeting the Competition

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I woke up to the sound of birdsong. I rolled over to turn of the alarm, and the "birds" immediately stopped. Chirping, I found, was a happier way to say good morning, than a blaring beep beep beep.

I looked around. Ally was at her closet, trying to decide what to wear. Mel, by the sound of it, was in the shower. I stood up, feet in my slippers, and walked to the mini fridge. Grabbing jam, I turned to the cupboard. I pulled out a loaf of multi grain bread and peanut butter. As Mel stepped out of the bathroom in jeggings and a pretty purple blouse, I got their attention.

"Anyone up for some pb&j?"

"Me!!!" They both said at the same time.

"OK, 3 pb&j sandwiches coming right up!" I exclaimed.

"Oooh!" Mel squealed.

Both me and Ally gave her confused-slash-surprised faces.

"Sorry." Mel smiled sheepishly, "I just had the best idea ever!!!!! While you make the sandwiches," she gestured to me, "I can pick out your outfit!!!!"

"That would be awesome!!" I exclaimed.

"And, maybe I can do your makeup after you shower!" Ally gasped, like she had just won the lottery.


I turned to face the counter where the pb&j and bread was. I plugged in the toaster, dropping 2 slices of the loaf in the slots. After the knob descended, I grabbed a towel and my soap and headed into the washroom. Folded neatly in a pile, Mel had matched black jogging pants with a lime green tee-shirt. She had added a purple shawl to complete the look. I have to say, she has a great sense of style!

After my shower, I walked to the counter to finish the sandwiches, when I noticed there was no pb&j out. No bread either. The toaster was empty, and only crumbs in the bottom showed any signs of usage. I looked to the table. Realization hit me. Someone had made our breakfast while I was showering! The pb&j sandwiches were on three plates, cut neatly in half, with a side of blueberries. Well, at least 2 were. The third was being devoured by Mel. I sat down in one of the empty chairs.

"Who finished the sandwiches?" I asked.

"Mel did." Ally told me while she picked out my blush.

I took a giant bite of my pb&j. Mmmmm! This is delicious! I thought.

"Well, this is officially the best pb&j sandwich I have ever had! I think I might have some competition in the kitchen!" I exclaimed.

"That reminds me, we need to get ready! We meet the other competitors in an hour and a half! Come here, Leah, so I can do your makeup and hair!" Ally motioned me over.

I finished my sandwich, put my plate in the dishwasher, and plopped down in the chair Ally had out for me. Both Ally and Mel were dressed, makeup on, hair brushed. I was the last one. But, whatever. As long as everything gets done on time, I'm happy.

I tied my laces. Running shoes were my favorite shoes that were actually comfortable! My makeup was finished, and my hair in a ponytail. Ally, Mel and I walked to the elevator. Ally pressed the up button, and an elevator immediately opened. The Masterchef kitchen was on the seventh floor. As the elevator ascended, we leaned against the walls. Suddenly, we stopped moving. Are we here already? Are the elevators really that fast? The door opened, and 2 boys, one with curly black hair and glasses, the other with light blonde, strait hair, stepped in.

"Hi", the blonde one said to us.

Greetings rippled through the elevator. Steady conversation gained us information about the two men. The blonde was named Sean Crabbaly. His cooking specialty was seafood. His favorite color was blue, and his favorite hobby outside the kitchen was golf. The dark haired man with glasses was completely the opposite. His name was Joe Tarter. His favorite color was orange, hobby was kite flying, and cooking specialty was pie.

The elevator door reeled back, revealing the seventh floor. The Masterchef kitchen. I took a deep breath, and exchanged glances with the other girls. Together, we walked to the door. Ally stopped us before we got to the handle.

"Well, this *dramatic pause* is it!" She said.

We all laughed. Joe slid open the door, and we entered.

The Masterchef kitchen was about as big as my house x2! There were 16 tables set up with all the kitchen appliances. A swerving staircase followed the red walls up to a place I knew was called the Gallery. The wooden plates that made up the floor covered every inch of space to walk on. At the front of the breathtaking room was a small black stage with stairs on all sides. Mounted atop this beautiful piece were 3 familiar looking chefs. They had to be chef Micheal, chef Claudio, and chef Alvin. Chef Micheal was wearing a black suit and tie, looking professional (well, he is professional:P). Chef Claudio had on a grey suit and tie, with a smile stretching across his face. Chef Alvin had obviously combed his short, black hair, and his suit was pretty much a duplicate of chef Micheal's. There were 7 other contestants in the room. 3 were girls, and 4 were boys.

When we walked in, mouths stopped moving, and heads all over turned to study the new arrivals. Ally, Mel and I headed to the small group of girls, and the chatter started up again. I turned, just in time to see Sean and Joe melt into the crowd of boys.

When I faced the other girls, they were all watching me. I suddenly realized I had been asked a question.

"Sorry, what was that?"

A dirty blonde haired girl tilted her head slightly. I turned to see what she was so interested in behind me, to see the remaining 4 people trail into the room. 1 was a boy, and 3 were girls.

I didn't have time to answer the blonde girl's question, because the chefs, apparently,wanted to get right down to business. A few camera men set up Go-Pro's to record our session. I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Welcome", Chef Micheal said, "to Masterchef Canada!"

We cheered and stomped our feet.

"Our Masterchef scouts have done a lot of hard work to find the top 16 best cooks in the country. We have chosen you to compete for $100,000 and the title of Canada's next Masterchef!"

The cheering continued. The 3 chefs went on to talk about rules and where everything was in the kitchen. Later, chef Alvin told us to meet the other contestants, and then to get a good nights rest. We were to start the competition in the morning.

By the end of our "meet n' greet", as Ally called it, we knew about everyone.

Celia Starburst, Grace Mcnizel, Ally, Mel, Liliana Mcloud, Sammy Monnally, Thelissa Bearinty, Ariel Mintness, and I were the girls.

Joe, Sean, Jack Cruller, Crem Brulet, Benji Solia, Tyrone Bigoner, and Simone Antroy were the boys.
After trading information, we all headed to our rooms. The last thing I remembered before I drifted off to sleep was the peace and quiet of the night.

Masterchef (I can't believe I made it) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now