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Miniwrecker changed chat name to TFP CHAOS

5 users joined the TFP CHAOS

Bluetwin: Anyone know why Starscream is leaving the ship almost all the time?

Bitchprime: Nope besides I got myself a holoform! Now I can turn human whenever I want!

Miniwrecker: Do y'all think Starscream is hiding something?!

Cheap_prime: I highly doubt that, we found Wheeljack, Knockout and Ratchet

Bitchprime: Really! Wait a minute- why aren't they in base then?

Cheap_prime: because we just found them and they're not in good condition...

Miniwrecker: Wait the only thing that scares the Ratchet is-

Optimistic-prime: Ratchet just said something about primes being 'rude'?

Bitchprime: Oh- that doesn't sound good at all!

Cheap_prime: we got them out finally, now time to head back to base.

Miniwrecker: Yay, also Dreadwing I found Starscream!

Bluetwin: Really? Where at?

Miniwrecker: he's on top of a hill and he's- sleeping?

Optimistic-prime: We might aswell get Starscream too.

Cheap_prime: actually Optimus, I'll go and get him.

Bitchprime: O.o

Miniwrecker: really? I thought you didn't like decepticons at all!

Cheap_prime: I'll do any task that's available not because I wanted to.

Bitchprime: Your loss

Miniwrecker: interesting...

Cheap_prime: just let me do my job!

Cheap_prime disconnected

Bluetwin: Well Megatron is now yelling at everyone, got to go!

Bluetwin disconnected

Optimistic-prime: Smokescreen open the ground-bridge.

Bitchprime: Yessir!

Bitchprime and Optimistic-prime disconnected

Miniwrecker: Aw...

Miniwrecker disconnected


3 users joined the TFP CHAOS

Miniwrecker: guys?

Optimistic-prime: Yes Miko?

Miniwrecker: One of my friends want to be part of this chat...

Optimistic-prime: it is fine.

Miniwrecker: Cool!

ScaryMiner joined the TFP CHAOS

ScaryMiner: Hello!

Sadmedic: Oh shit!

ScaryMiner: Oh hey old friend

Miniwrecker: Wait you know him?!

ScaryMiner: Yeah, for a while now!

Optimistic-prime: Does that mean-


ScaryMiner: Chill, I'm not that far from you, I'm ok I guess, you?

Sadmedic: I'm good! How is Swag?

Bitchprime: Swag? Who's that?

Miniwrecker: I met them before! They do look Swag

ScaryMiner: They're doing just fine, also Miko who are the other two?

Miniwrecker: Oh! The name Optimistic-prime is uh- Pax! And Bitchprime is Sam!

Bitchprime: Yup! Nice to meet you! Uh what's your name?

ScaryMiner: My name's Cobblestone! Nice to meet you two!

Optimistic-prime: You too Cobblestone.

Sadmedic: Miss Stone do you wish to see me!

ScaryMiner: Sure why not, you can also invite your friends too

Sadmedic: Thank you old friend!

Sadmedic disconnected

Bitchprime: He really likes you

Optimistic-prime: What did you do for him to really like you?

ScaryMiner: Saved him and treat him like a person who needs attention

Miniwrecker: Wait how did you save him?

ScaryMiner: He got stabbed through his chest but I thought he was dead tho but turns out he was still breathing... slowly

Bitchprime: I just heard Pax yell out 'WHAT' from my room

Miniwrecker: Well that's not good, I think?

2 users joined the TFP CHAOS

Greenwrecker: Uh does anyone know why-


HellaGay: Oh my- hello miss Stone!

ScaryMiner: Hey dude.

Greenwrecker: Oh I see! Wait but why was 'Pax' upset?

Optimistic-prime: I will be back.

Optimistic-prime disconnected

Time skip

Miniwrecker: So anyways I said-

Sadmedic has joined TFP CHAOS

Sadmedic: WTF HAPPENED?!

Greenwrecker: What do you mean?

Sadmedic: 'Pax' won't let me leave to go anywhere!

Bitchprime: Damn, that's not good!

ScaryMiner: oh-

TFP CHAOS has unexpectedly crashed

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