SIX. ᵠᵘᶦᵈ ᴾʳᵒ ᵂᵒᵉ

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  QUIETLY CHANTING my sister didn't want me to make a noise, I sat down and listened to her whilst studying what she was doing. We don't hold Séances very often, We can barely tolerate the living why would we want to commune with the dead?

But our mother told us Goody was the only one that could train us to control our psychic abilities, The sooner we master that the sooner we crack this case. Oh Did I mention it was my birthday today? Wednesday and I usually celebrate birthdays with each other.

The door creaked open leaving me sitting up with excitement, she's here I thought to myself as Wednesday opened her eyes. Turning around a wash of disappointment hit me, Of course, it was Enid.

I heard Wednesday sigh as she turn back around "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your...Uh- Do I even wanna know?"

"No, You don't" I replied as I helped Wednesday out of the circle "we were reaching into the black maw of death to contact a relative" Turning my head to look at Wednesday I was quite annoyed she told her.

"Feels very on-brand for you two, You have a relative named Goody and Sunny?" She tilted her head to me "they both were part of the original outcasts" Wednesday replied for me "Been attempting to summon her, But she seems to be ignoring my entreaties" 

"Oh, You thought of using one of my scented candles? the aroma of steak tartare is to die for " Crossing my arms I wanted to keep it as formal as I could, Suddenly A paper slid through our door "Maybe they answered you after all"

I walked forward to the paper "I doubt she communicates in magazine cutouts" the paper seemed like It was just made anyways. 

If you want answers come inside the Crackstone's crypt at midnight.

Shaking my head I passed the note to Wednesday.


 Here we are again another episode of sneaking out, It felt like a daily routine at this point. Moments later I heard Enid gasp taking her claws out, "You insisted on coming along, We were fine on our own" I said seeing her put her claws away.

Stepping up on the staircase the door seemed to be opened "Seems like our wanna-be deep throat is already here" Wednesday shined the light at the crack "ew... what died?" Enid stepped back from the smell "Smells like childhood, Come on" 

"Second thoughts why don't I just stay out here?" I heard Enid say before I blinked at her Slamming the door in her face I followed Wednesday into the darkness

An indistinct clatter made my senses heightened, It seemed to be following us "Enid?" My instinct made me say, I grabbed my sister's jacket as she shined the light around.

A cough was heard making me almost jump "Ok whoever the hell you are, show yourself" My eyes widened trying to hopefully find someone in here. "Try anything and you'll lose limps"

"Surprise!!" multiple people came in almost making me scream, I looked at Xavier who had a smile plastered on his face "Seriously?" I muttered as they sun happy birthday.

"I should've known You were behind this" I turned to Thing who was in a birthday hat "What part of No party under the penalty of death do you not understand" Wednesday tapped on my shoulder telling me to calm down.

"I thought my cake design was pretty inspiring," The boy said as he reaches out for my hand pulling me in front of the cake. "Very inspiring" Making eye contact I knew what he was trying to do and I went along with it "Don't I get a thank you?"

"What kind do you want?" "The pink balloon was my little touch" Enid cut in making us stare at her, It was quite amusing seeing her this desperate "Why don't you make a wish"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now