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"Please...just slow down, and tell me what happened..."


Arthur pulled his wrist from my grasp and looked at me, annoyed. "What happened? can we turn back? I want to go home...and see the boys...please..." He spoke. He sounded desperate and sad. "He can't help us..." I spoke. Arthur looked at me, shocked, and I began to walk over to a bench and soon sat at one. "What? We can't stay like this forever..." He spoke. What do I tell him? I lied right now, but to be fair, I had nothing to do.

I had until tomorrow night to decide, and I lied to him. This is something he should know, but I didn't say anything. I didn't have much of an option. The longer we stayed like this, we would lose our memory, but if we changed back, he will be sick...and pass away very soon. I was being selfish by not telling him, and I was being selfish for not deciding what to do.

Gilbert mentioned how he was already losing his memory, but I didn't notice anything. Does this make me a bad husband for not being able to notice? "What are we going to do?" Arthur asked.

There was only one thing I could do to get my mind off this situation and maybe make things easier. "Well...there is one thing he recommends," I spoke. Arthur looked at me curiously and sat beside me. "What is it? What did he say?" He asked. I had my head down, looking at his hands as he clutched the bench beneath his fingers. His veins did not pop out anymore, and his skin wasn't wrinkled.

He had smooth skin once again, fair-colored skin that looked like it didn't see daylight. I felt my hand reach toward his hand, and I rested it above his. "He said that we should try and enjoy ourselves while he figures out what to do," I spoke. I lied.

"What? He wants us to enjoy ourselves. But what will the boys think if they see us this way?" He asked. We finally looked at each other; it was the first time since we changed that I truly looked him in the eyes. He looked so young again; this was the face I laid my eyes on and fell in love with.

This was the same man I continuously forced to do my hair, even when he complained. This was the same man who raised kids with me, who I married, who I loved. It was the same man I would be losing soon, no matter the outcome.

I didn't want to lose him, not yet... I wasn't ready yet.

"I think it would be hard for me to enjoy myself," he added. I smiled at what he said and nodded in agreement. "I know, but we can't do much right now, so I think we should spend as much time with each other as we can," I explained. I stood up from my seat and reached a hand out for him to grab. "What?...but what do you have in mind?" He asked. He seemed a bit calmer, but I could tell he still worried about what the boys would think if they saw us this way. They would absolutely freak out, but we had some time.

"Darling...we are young again...we can do anything you want..."

His eyes widened at the realization. As if it finally hit him. He slowly reached toward my hand, and once our fingers touched, I held his hand a bit tighter. "Let's make the most of it then!" He finally smiled. I pulled him to his feet, and he gave me a mischievous grin. "If we do, I think the first thing we should do is go swimming," he laughed.

The thought of seeing him nearly nude drove me crazy. I couldn't have my emotions betray me again. "If we do, you need to wear extra layers..." I laughed. "What? You are such a pervert! Honestly, it's a wonder why I even..."

He suddenly paused.

He didn't finish his sentence; he only stared off, confused.


I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he looked like he was thinking about what he was about to say. What happened? What was he going to say?

Arthur furrowed his brows and looked back at me. "It's a wonder why I even...why...what did I do?..." he asked. What did he do?

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He continued to think about what he was going to say and still looked as if he could not put his finger on it. "Why...I married you..." he spoke slowly.

That is what he was trying to say.

Then it hit me...

He had forgotten right there.

"We are married...we have been for decades. I took your last name, remember? We have two sons who also have your last name and are married with kids. We are grandparents..." I explained. He looked confused, and it broke my heart. I had little time to be with my husband. If I told him right away, he would be sad and wouldn't want to do anything fun.

I knew the answer that I had to choose.

I was not ready to choose it yet...

We would have to turn back by tomorrow, and he'd be worse, but...time would have caught up with him.

This was stupid!


If time was supposed to be on this straight line, why was it that my time with my husband was running out? What did I do to deserve this?

"Ah! You are right! We should do something fun together! I'll do anything you want!" He cheered. I smiled at his compliance and nodded. "Great! Let's go now! We will do everything and anything!" I spoke. I grabbed his hand gently and began to pull him.

He wants to go swimming?

I was going to make it happen!

I would do anything if it meant that I would be able to see him happy once more. I was going to make sure he did everything he could before we changed back!

For my love!


The world's greatest person and my life's greatest passion!


Hello! I am sorry for taking so long to update! I had lost my motivation and got bad writer's block. But I am better! I took so long because I could not decide where I wanted the story to go, but now I do!

My semester has ended! and I am free for the winter break so expect more updates!

I want to finish the three stories I have so I can write the others I want to write. This story won't be long, I assume maybe 15 chapters, but we will see.

Sorry if it is boring, I really was not sure where to go with it, but now I do so I promise it will get better....maybe a little sad...but you all know me! I love ruining your lives with my angst!

Anyway! thank you for reading!

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