Some Fun

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As soon as I stepped into my apartment building, I was dragged all the way up to my apartment all the way into my bedroom

S--"Listen girl I need to eat something before we go or I will throw up"

F--"Fine but have you at least showered already?"

S--"I had one last night so I didn't have to get up early but I ended up getting up early anyways, can you just grab me a sandwich while I curl my hair so I can do your hair too?"

F--"Yes I can do that as long as I can do your makeup"

S--"You got it" I said while she is already bouncing out of the room, I shook my head and laughed. I got to work on my hair and once I was done I noticed that she wasn't back yet and when I went out in the kitchen to see her drinking a cup of coffee,

S--"You know that your a coffee addict right?"

F--"Yes I am, here is you sandwich"

S--"Thank you" I said with a smile, I walked over and quickly ate it and said,

S--"That was delicious but we now have to hurry, while I am doing your hair can you do your makeup at the same time?"

F--"Yep and then when I am done you need to get in a different dress and I will touch up your makeup" I nodded my head and we immediately went to my room and got busy.

Once we were done she was in a sparkly white dress, white heels to match, her eyeshadow was light but she had a bold red matte lip to finish off the makeup look, as for her hair, her long blonde hair was down and straightened. Now for my look I went with a black sparkly dress, red heels, and my makeup was light eyeshadow but a bright red matte lipstick, and my hair was my favorite part my long black hair was curled into loose curls that floowed down my back.

I walked over to the mirror and I just wished that I could see myself beautiful but with Maria saying that I was ugly and fat constantly just popped up in my mind, I sighed and walked over to Faith asking her,

S--"Are you all set?"

F--"Yes let's get this show on the road" she ran out of the room and I laughed saying loudly while grabbing my purse,

S--"Are you forgetting something?" I heard her heels before seeing her she ran in and held up a finger like she was stating a fact,

F--"Yes... I am" she grabbed her purse and my hand then started to walk fastly out of the door I made her pause so I could lock my door before leaving. When we were in my car she wouldn't stop fidgeting,

S--"What's wrong?"

F--"I really like this guy ren-ren"

S--"So what is the problem?"

F--"What if he treats me like Ryan did?"

S--"Listen to me, not everyone cheat on his girlfriend with anything that walks, okay?" She nods her head and I smile which I receive one back,

F--"It's this club right here" she points at a very HUGE club, I sigh and park in the first parking spot that I could find which felt like forever. There was a massive line but we walked up to the back of it and waited well I waited and she texted. Next thing I know there is a hug guy at least 6'0 or maybe even taller, cleaned shaved, muscles for days, and brown hair, in a suit came to a stop right in front of us,

K--"Hello Faith, and Faith's friend, shall we go in?" I looked at her lost,

F--"Sorry let me introduce her first, Knox this is my bestfriend practically my sister Serenity"

K--"Nice to meet you I have heard a lot about you m" he smiles at me and I give him one back,

S--"It's nice to meet you too, and please I am only going go say this once please do not ever hurt my bestfriend" he nodded and said,

K--"I would never hurt her, not on purpose at least" I nod and we all took off walking past the really long line hearing how it wasn't fair the whole way to the entrance of the club. When we get in I am not shocked at how big it was on the inside. We followed Knox up to a place where the sign read V.I.P and I immediately want to turn and run back to the regular people but I don't. When we reached the top of the stairs and I heard Knox talking to somebody but I couldn't see who it was but when I do I am shocked it was the guys from this morning that I ran into at the coffee shop, I quickly lower my gaze when they looked at me,

K--"Guy this is Faith the girl I was telling you about and this is her friend Serenity" I waved not really looking them in the eye. We were seated and drinking our choice of drink and talking well they were talking and I was watching people dance thinking how much I really loved to dance but it is awkward to dance by myself, and right as I thought that,

F--"Ren-ren go dance" I shook my head no looking over at her,

F--"Setenity I know you want to, would you like me to join you?"

S--"No, no, don't be silly you are technically on a date so talk to him I am just going to watch tonight" she smiled but it didn't look like it was real, I know she is feeling bad since she hasn't really talked to me. I felt eyes on me and I looked around us until I came to the guys that are model material, all they kept doing is watching me, they watched me walk away from the coffee shop, they watched me drive away, and they are watching me now. I quickly looked away when I saw them both smirk. I was suddenly aware of one of the two was standing in front of me and I looked up to see a hand being held out for me to take,

L--"Would you like to dance?" I cleared my throat and thought what the heck it's not like he will see me again, I grabbed a hold of his hand and he pulled me up, I gasped in shock at how strong he was, I saw a smirk form on his face and we took off walking, when we made it to the dance floor my back was facing his front and his arms were around my waist while mime were up around his neck and we began dancing and grinding on each other.

Suddenly I was turned around to face him and we continued dancing when suddenly I felt another body press against my back and I gasped letting my head falls back to see who it is and to my surprise it was the other guy I saw with him I am guessing they are twins. I grab one of each guys arms as we all danced together then I felt kisses on both side of my neck. They kept kissing my neck until they both found a spot on each sides of my neck and I moan letting my head fall against the guy behind me when suddenly I heard

L--"You like that my sweet? You like it when me and my twin kiss all over your neck until you are grinding harder against us and letting out your sweet notices for us to hear?" I didn't say anything but instead I just moan. I heard equally as deep of a voice say behind me,

M--"Answer my twin my love it isn't nice to not answer"

S--"Yes, yes I like it" I said then suddenly I felt two dicks that are very happy press against me and that break me from my lust filled state and I stop dancing,

S--"I need something to drink" I pulled away from them and walked back up to the V.I.P section and saw Knox and Faith  looking at me both smirking or smiling and I said to Faith in a eractic and kind of frantic voice,

S--"I have to leave are you coming with me?" She looked at me confused,

S--"Faith are you coming with me?" I asked her once again and I saw the two of them sit down on the couch but I don't make it know that I see them,

F--"Yeah let's go, I will see you tomorrow" I grabbed my purse and started walking down the stairs thinking, what happened to me on the dance floor? What if somebody paid attention and was judging me? Why did they want to dance with me? Why did I enjoy having two men's arms around me? I tossed my keys at Faith and said,

S--"You better drive I am in no condition to drive" she nodded, and we both climbed into the car and drove back to my apartment. When we got there, I immediately took a cold shower to try and relieve myself of the hot feeling I was feeling int between my thick thighs. Once I got out of the shower and dressed in my t-shirt and sweatpants, I see Faith laying in my bed, wearing some of her pajamas she brought and was fast asleep already and as soon as I hit the bed, I fell asleep thinking of the two men that I couldn't seemed to stop thinking of since our dance together, oh what am I kidding since I first saw them this morning at the coffee shop. 

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