Shopping and Followed

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When we made it to the mall and started walking in with me in the middle holding both of their hands as we walk not giving a second thought of people watching us. When we walked in, I asked them,

S--"Can we go to the plus size boutique instead of trying to find me something in a regular store?"

L-"Yes we can, do you know the way?"

S--"Yes let's get the show on the roll!" I said excitedly,

M--"I though you didn't really like shopping?"

S--"I still don't really like it; I am just excited to be here with you both!" You could hear the excitement in my voice, and I didn't care.

I pulled at their hands to make them start moving and they followed right beside me in the direction of the small boutique. When we reached the boutique and we walked in I see the customer service girl come over to us and smile asking if we needed help with anything,

S--"Umm no not right now, I am just looking around, but I do I will surely come and find you!" She smiled nodding her head walking away from me back to her station I let go of the guy's hands and looked at them,

S--"Would you guys like to pick out a dress that you think I would like, and I will pick one and then meet back at the dressing rooms?"

L--"Sounds like a plan"

M--"What is your size?" I am embarrassed to say my size, so I just say,

S--"I am not really sure when it comes to dresses."

L--"Okay do you know the dress code?"


M--"You have to wear a ball gown of some kind."

S--"A what?" Maddox smirked at me but what I said next his smirk dropped.

S--"I will look like a hippo" I realized what I really said so I decide to just walk away from them and go look for a dress. I walked to the back and was looking at the ballgowns hating each one that I found, why do they have to be so big?

I suddenly came acrossed a section with one's that aren't too bad I pick up my favorite blue one in it looks like it would fit me, it was a Royal blue one and when I turned around I see both my guys behind me and they have only one dress and it is a beautiful black Cinderella ball gown with head to toe sparkles and to top it off it was strapless.

L--"That is too small."

S--"It's still considered a ballgown just not a Cinderella type ballgown."

M--"Come on you have to try them on" he just took off walking, why are they acting weird? I shook it off and the followed behind them to the dressing room they had already dropped the dress off and was sitting on the couch on their phones.

I sighed walking past them and into the room. I stripped off my clothes putting them in a neat pile then picked up my pick first and tried it on and it was a size too small and I sigh well I guess maybe I have gained a little bit of weight, I just slip it off and grab the hug dress they picked out for me and realized that it was not as heavy as I thought it was going to be.

I sat the dress flat on the floor and stepped into the dress and the pulled it up and I sigh in relief, it is going to fit, I think.

I realized that I am not going to be able to pull the zipper up all the way so I just looked at myself for a minute studying it's beauty then walked over to the door opening it and walking a few steps out of the dressing room and see the guys still on their phone so I cleared my throat and they both looked up and they both said at the same time,


M--"Fuck" I saw people looking at me and I blush looking down that is when I saw two pairs of dress shoes in my line of vision. I look back up and ask,

S--"Can one of you zip it up the rest of the way I couldn't reach it the zipper the rest of the way?" Lennox walked behind me, and I looked everywhere but at Maddox who was still I'm front of me when I feel Lennox pull it the rest of the way up, I step away from them and asked,

S--"Is this good for you both?" They both nodded with smiles on their faces, and I walked over to the wall of mirrors, and I study myself, I love this dress and I love that you can't see all my fat in the wrong places, but does it make me look bigger than I ready am?

L--"Do you not like it?"

M--"If you don't, we can look around some more."

S--"No, no, you guys like it we will get it" I turned and walked around them and back into the dressing room and looked at myself in the mirror before realizing that I need help,

S--"Can one of you help me unzip the dress please?" I closed the door and wait when the door open's I look, and I see Maddox coming up behind me and he unzipped the dress slowly and when he reaches the base of my spine and the end of the zipper he leaned in and kissed my neck then walked out. I quickly got out of the beautiful dress and into my regular outfit then I put the dress back on the hanger then walked out and saw the guys at the cash register waiting on me and I walked up to them and handed the sale lady the dress and while she was ringing it up, I felt that weird feeling like I did earlier like somebody was watching me,

L--"Hey what is wrong?" I snapped my head back around and said,

S--"Nothing why?"

M--"Guys we're ready to go" I nod and disregard his question by grabbing the dress and started walking out of the store and when I walked out of the store, I feel the feeling again.

When the guys said they wanted to take me somewhere else and they took the lead and I still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched so much that it was starting to get on my nerves,

S--"Hey guys can I tell you guys something?" they stopped mid step and turned to me,

S--"Umm... do you guys feel like we are being watched?" They looked at each other,

L--"We realized when you were trying on dresses."

S--"And you didn't think to tell me?"

L--"We are trying to act normal, so they don't catch on to us knowing, we are taking you to another store looking around for only 5 minutes then we are leaving out the front, so they won't start something here" I nod my head and keep my face neutral, and we started walking again but this time I was scared.

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