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 CATCHING UP to our school we were going to head to his art studio before we were stopped by someone, "Oh, Hi Claire," Her eyes averted to my chest probably checking to see if I was wearing the necklace she gave me.

"Eyes up here" I tilted my head with a blank expression "Oh, Where are you going... with him?" He looked at Xavier "oh I was going to bring her to the shed, I wanna show her some of my paintings" 

"Oh" She looked to the ground before making eye contact with me "Alright, We're going now" He grabbed my arm before pulling me away from the girl feeling someone brush against my hand. 

"No, Sorry but I'm going to need her for a few hours or so" Enid grabbed my free arm while I watched them glare down "Let her go, Xavier" He looked at me holding in his smile, "Fine, Suit yourself."

 He let me go before walking away, This traitor. "Where is the necklace?" She tugged my arm, "locked in my drawer far from my sight" she bit her lip, "Look, Don't push it. Go makeout with Ajax, Didn't you make up that night? get lost"


It was already the night before Wednesday came back, She handed me a drawing of the gates we saw "Xavier, We need help from him"

As we walked towards the shed the music started playing, walking in he was painting something. His sleeves pulled back. the moment Wednesday walked in he stopped whatever he was doing, "I need help"

She gave him the paper as he smiled "Don't gloat" He walked towards my sister with a smile on his face "What you want some drawing lessons?"

passing him the paper he stared at it "Your line work is pretty shaky" he complimented "I saw that In a vision, Do you recognize it?" I stepped in front of my sister, Although he was kind of a friend I still didn't like him next to my sister.

He pointed to a drawing he drew while Wednesday took a good look "when did you draw this?" She asked "a couple of days ago, Starting to have those dreams like before"

"Was the monster in them?" I asked "No, But I could feel the shadows, You know" He tapped the back of his head "Kinda lurking in my mind"

"You know where this is?" I asked "Yeah, It's the old Gates mansion" He replied, "I pass it when I go running, why?"

Suddenly Thing pulled down a cloth showing a picture of, Wednesday and I with our instruments but mostly just Wednesday, He cleared his throat while Wednesday walked towards it "Okay, Listen"

"After the dance, I just wanted to forget about you, But I couldn't So I started painting and that's what came out. I can hear you up there playing" He reached out his hand making the painting move, Playing the Cello concerto in E minor.

"I can tell how you both get lost in the music, I feel like it's the only time I get to see the real you" He muttered. I stared at him with pure disgust. I know it's okay from his point of view but this was so creepy. I felt weirded out, I could not Imagine how my sister felt.


Walking towards the gate the next morning my eyes were burning from the lack of sleep, Walking towards the door. I suddenly saw a figure walk past the door, grabbing my sister's arm I ran behind the bushes.

"We need a distraction" Thing got off my shoulder and went towards the sheriff listening to him talk on the phone, Thing shook the trees while we got behind the car opening the trunk. Getting in we waited for Thing closing it.

Spending almost hours behind that trunk driving I felt the need to puke, He finally made a stop getting out of the car while I poked my head out. Suddenly a car hit him making him all back, As we got out of the car the Sheriff screamed his name.

"Call 911!" he wailed out "Get an ambulance" my eyes widened standing in front of the Mayor's dead body and the sheriff who was Moring over him.


The sirens wailed as he put his head into his face "he's alive...Barely. I'll take you back after I get your statements"

"We already gave it to your deputy, Blue Cadillac with no license plates" Wednesday replied "Yeah, I know"

He pushed a voice recorder to us "I want a better one, what were you doing in the mayor's SUV?" He asked "Saw him come out of Gates mansion"

"The Gates mansion? What the hell were you doing there" Shaking my leg under the table I felt uncomfortable "House hunting"

"I overheard the voicemail he left you, I was intrigued," Wednesday said suddenly "Back when the Mayor was sheriff he used to have a lot of wild theories on cases that he couldn't solve, So we'd dissect them over price, sitting right back there in that booth. Most of the time they went nowhere"

"call me old fashioned but when someone is run over on their way to give the police key information it usually means they were onto something" Wednesday continued "And all signs point to the Gate family and that house"

"The Gates family? how they're all dead, every last of them. And I don't believe in ghosts" He laughed "maybe you should" Pushing the button I slid the device back to him getting out of the booth.


"How did you two end up at the center of every terrible thing that happens here?" She sounded not so happy "Incredible luck"

"As if now the school is on full lockdown, And your off-campus privileges are revoked until further notice"


I lay down listening to the familiar sounds of my sister's typewriter "Wednesday, I just heard what happened to Mayor Walker"

She touched my sister's back "are you alright? I can't imagine witnessing something like that" her voice was high as the typewriter dings "It was on our bucket list"

"You can tell the warden I'm still in my cell," she said to her "Principle Weems is only looking out for your best interests you could have been seriously hurt or worse..."

She turned to the typewriter "Oh, How goes the novel?" "Viper's investigation has been thwarted on several fronts but she's plotting her next course of action"

"Sounds intriguing" She smiled as she walked to me "I saw this on my bookshelf and thought of you" She handed me a book "mary shelly wrote it on a dare when she was only 19"

"I know, she's both my literary hero and nemesis and I have 2 years and 364 days to beat her" Wednesday cut in "Well, I think it's very smart that your focusing on literary monsters and leaving real ones that might be out there to the authorities"

"No man chooses evil because it evil" I stated "He only mistakes it for happiness, The good he seeks, Mary shelly wrote that line to describe people like Weems"

"Who does bad things under the guise of protecting the greater good" Her smile turned into confusion "Did she put you up to this"

I passed the book back to her "No, but she will expel you if you both continue this" "So you're only looking out for my best interest?"

"Always, I think we're a lot alike" she still had that smile on her face, I wanted to rip it off "we aren't" I got up "I don't need your help or your pity, I already have A mother and a therapist that's enough torture. Even for me"

she let out a defeating sigh before leaving. "too harsh?" She shook her head "Nope"


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now