Chapter 8: 🤍You Betrayed Me🤍

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Word count: 1218

Okay so when I said in my introduction that Rafal was gone, I meant he's dead. It doesn't mean he's not in the story, he's just in spirit. Okay no more spoilers.

Trigger warning: mild cussing and near death experience
🤍Reader Pov🤍

I woke up later than usual, exhausted from last night's events. I rolled over in Leonora's bed to find it empty. I looked around the room, no sign of her. I got out of bed and decided to borrow a pair of her pjs.

(Your Pjs)

After I got dressed I headed out to the hall

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After I got dressed I headed out to the hall. It's still dark out, where could she be? I quietly tiptoed down the hall. No sign of anyone. Then I made the dumb idea to yell out for someone. "Hello?!" Nothing. I kept moving. It felt eerie. Something was definitely off.

I made it to the big doors leading to the bridge between schools. I saw no one. No guards. No people. No lights. I made my way to the invisible stair way leading to the headmaster's tower. I climbed the stairs slowly. I made it to the door but it didn't open for me. I had to pull it open. Odd, it always opens to anyone who comes up here. Once I entered I felt a strange feeling. I felt like I should have turned away, gone back. I didn't listen. I pushed forward to find no headmaster and to my surprise no Storian. "Hello?! Someone?! ANYONE?!" I was starting to panic. What the hell is going on?! Then I heard something move behind me.

"Y/n." I heard a whisper.

"W-Who said that?! Show yourself!" I spun around to see a cloud of red smoke. It was dark and I could quite make out who it was but all I know is that it was a man. "W-Who are you? And how do you know my name?" The person came closer. Then from the moonlight I saw him. Rafal. He was supposed to be dead. He lost to Sophie and Agatha. I backed up until I hit the headmaster's table. Rafal came closer.

"I know so much about you Y/n. Like how you're destined to rule both schools.How you are not good nor bad. I can help you." He walked around me in circles, inching closer and closer.

"You can't help me. You're pure evil. You should be dead."

"Oh but I am. I'm merely a spirit. I just need someone to help free me from this state. Resurrect me. I thought maybe you could be the one. I guess not."

"Rafal you can't manipulate me into resurrecting you. I'm no fool."

"Oh but I know someone who is. Maybe, Frankie and I could have a little chat. Oh wait, we already did. That fight you and him had, was because of me. I told him you were destined to be more powerful than him and that you already found your true love. Jealousy can blind people." I was astonished. Wait, if Frankie knew Rafal was here why didn't he tell anyone? What did Rafal do?!

"Rafal, Frankie would have never agreed to this because of jealousy! He's a good person!"

"Oh, but is he? What has he done to help you out? Did he ever defend you? Did he ever once think 'maybe I should pay Y/n back for all the sacrifice she went through'. Face it Y/n, he isn't as good as you think. And I have him wrapped around my finger." He let out a low chuckle as he disappeared into a pill a feathers. After he disappeared the tower started to shake. It crumbled above me. I ran as fast as I could outside but it was even worse.

I stepped on to the bridge and bolted for the door to enter to school for evil. Suddenly it was locked and I heard a growl from behind me. Out of the shadows came this huge dragon. It slowly came up. It's neck almost as tall as the headmaster's tower itself. It's roar rang through my ears. My heart was beating out of my chest. I'm going to die here, aren't I. I braced myself as it's head dipped down to swallow me whole. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I felt hand's holding me. I struggled. My eyes still closed as I screamed.

"Y/n! It's me!" Then I heard the familiar voice. Leonora. I broke down in tears as my arms wrapped tightly around her, I buried my face into her chest. "It's okay my love. I'm here." I sobbed into her chest, trembling under her touch. I slightly lifted my head and looked around the room. Everything seemed normal. The light was on now and I could hear a guard come up to Leonora's door.

"Lady Lesso are you alright? We heard screams."

"I'm fine. Just a nightmare." I listened to the clinks of his armor as the guard walked away. I was still trembling. That nightmare was too real to be just a dream. "Y/n? What happened?" I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "It's okay, take your time."

"R-Rafal, Rafal isn't alive but he's here. In spite. H-He said he was manipulating my brother. Leonora, did you know he was here?" Her eyes went wide.

"What?! Rafal, Rafal is dead and long gone. He can't be here."

"But he is! Listen to me! He's manipulating Frankie my brother. Telling him things to full his rage and jealousy. That's why Frankie and I got into a fight. Leonora, Rafal knows about the prophecy. My prophecy! We have ti tell the headmaster." Concern was dripping from my every word.

"No, not yet. If we tell the headmaster Rafal might try to speed up his plan. We need to keep quiet for now. Until you know how to use your powers properly we can't risk it. And I swear I had no idea Rafal was back, Y/n you have to believe." I didn't know what to believe anymore. I had to make sure this wasn't another dream if it was even possible to have a dream inside a dream.

"How do I know this isn't some dream? Prove to me you're Lesso." She looked surprised yet slightly proud that I'm being cautious.

"I love you, that's what you said last night. I said it back. Why? Because I believe you're my true love." Wait, she actually loves me? Is this my true love?! Oh. My. God. My brain practically exploded. Last night I was just tired and it slipped out. Of course I meant it but I didn't want to rush things. I hugged her and she chuckled. "Now do you believe it's me?"

"Who else would know you said I love you to me?! Rafal would have said some bullshit to try and talk his way out of this!" She smiled and I kissed her. The kiss was tender and sweet. "Wait, what time is it?"

"It's like 2 AM. Why?"

"Why?! I need sleep!" I plopped back down into my spot in bed. I snuggled back under the covers and so did Leonora. She wrapped her arms around my waist spooning me. I started to drift to sleep when I heard the faint whisper.

"I love you Y/n."

"I love you too."

🤍I hope you enjoyed!🤍
😘I'm going to be trying to post😘
😍New chapters more often I promise.😍
🤍Bye bye🤍


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