Midnight's mash

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Chapter 10

You guys arrive at the party and Mic's eyes bug as he opens the door. "Welcome to the partaaaay!!" He yells in his sing-song voice. You giggle and thank him, pulling a grumpy Aizawa into the music and pulsing lights. This place looked more like a club couches everywhere hookahs bottles and..."Aizawa is that...?" He sighs, pulling you toward the kitchen. "SHe likes to display her pets and toys." He states dryly, feeling even more possessive of you with his collar glistening around your neck.

"Did you have to wear the collar?" He asks in your ear. You nod definitely but after seeing the bdsm gear and pictures of people in full gear and even some explicit ones..." I think I wore it to the perfect place." You say with a smirk. "OH MY GAWD Y/N YOU LOOK STUNNING! AND LOVE THAT COLLAR ARE YOU AIZAWA'S?!" You giggle and blush looking at the ground Midnight was way too drunk right now. "Uh well I'm kinda not claimed fully yet." You say giving him a mischievous look. "Might wanna get on that one before I do!" Midnight says before waving at someone who just arrived and rushing off.

You grab a bottle of flavored vodka on your way out her sliding doors to the epicenter of the party out by the pool. You sway seductively to the music and drink from the bottle enjoying feeling free before work sets back in. The pros get to party a lot when off of work but since you were Hawk's plaything for so long you hadn't attended any until you left him. He had preferred to keep you away from the others. It was exhausting.

Aizawa watches you dance with Midnight, you both getting drunker than planned, sharing the bottle. It seems the more you drink the more into her you get. His eyebrow stays raised watching you was the most fun he'd ever had at a party. Midnight leans into your ear and says, "Wanna swim with me?" You nod enthusiastically, a swirl of giggles erupts from you and Aizawa step toward you. "Bun-Uh you should probably stop drinking now." Your red cheeks grow redder somehow and you hand him the bottle. "I wanna swim with pretty Midnight!" You exclaim making her smirk triumphantly at Aizawa. "Told ya." is all she says before removing her dress to reveal an equally revealing suit only hers is a one piece with hearts cut out of the sides as well as one at the chest. The bright purple was rather eye-catching and it made you blush looking.

"Your turn!" She exclaims pulling your jacket arm off. Aizawa takes it from her and takes it for you instead. "Thank you Midnight." His tone is one of slight warning and a lot of amusement. You two drunk together was certainly becoming interesting. You remove your heeled boots and pants bending down to remove them you hear a few whistles. Blissfully ignoring them you keep your focus on balance and finally get them off. 'Never again.' You think to yourself grabbing Aiazwa's shoulders. He looks at you concerned you are about to fall but instead you surprise him with a kiss.

Your lips are suddenly the only thing that matters and he got lost for a moment. You turn, handing him your collar, and give a small wave grabbing Midnight's hand. You guys jump into her insanely deep pool. Laughing you guys find two tubes and float along the pool's wavy surface. "Thanks for the invite Nemuri!" You exclaim grabbing her hand so you don't float away from each other.

"Damn Aizawa! She is somethin!" Yamada yells over the music that has somehow seemed to get louder. "Man if she wasn't taken." Another hero says and Aizawa hears whistles of approval. The talk sickens him why did his colleagues have to be so damn disgusting. "I bet she's great in bed huh Eraser!" Vlad king says elbowing Aizawa jokingly before chugging a beer. (A/N ew what a chad)

Aizawa puts your stuff in a corner of a chair and removes his own shirt deciding the best way to avoid killing a fellow hero was to be by your side. He watches as you talk with Nemuri and smiles seeing how you always seem to be exuding such intense joy. "He grabs onto your flotation device and asks, "How ya doin bunny?" You blush hearing the nickname in public. "Uh honestly I really gotta pee." Aizawa shakes his head feigning disapproval. "Told you to stop drinkin." Midnight perks upo at the sound of drinks. "Oh bring me back a bottle of whatever that shit was." You nod with a giggle. "Yes Ma'am."

You guys head inside and you hope that your friend does not mind getting wet in the house...that is until you realize just how much water there is on the floor already. You grab onto Aizawa's arm not having any idea where you're going through this sea of heroes. 'How are so many of them off of work at the same time?' You wonder to yourself but know better than to question them to their face.

"Here we are." Aizawa says pointing to a line outside of a door. "Fuck." You sigh before noticing that one of the heroes who worked with best jeanist has a joint lit. "Hey mind if I hit?" You ask just loud enough to be heard. She nods with a grin and passes to you. It goes on like this the entire wait making it seem to go faster. You thank her giggling and she heads into the bathroom.

When you walk in Aizawa pushes himself in with you making you blush scarlet. "Aizawa they're gonna like..." He shakes his head, a small smile spreading itself gracefully across his face. "What think we're fucking?" He replies, pushing you against the purple counter. "Babe I really do need to pee." He moves back holding his arm out as if to invite you to use the toilet. "Do you really have to be in here?" He nods earning him a sigh but he respectfully turns around. Once finished you come to find that your swimsuit has become rather confusing. "Uh...ir I can't do this." You say with a high little giggle. "I know." He says bending to tie it for you. "I didn't drink for a reason but Mic wants to smoke. Old times sake he claims." You grin at your partner planting a big kiss on his lips.

"Have fun Babe! I'm gonna drink more whipped vodka with Nemuri. She's so fun!" You giggle and head to the door. When you open it your heart drops seeing red but you soon realize it's Endeavor not Hawks. You let out a breath, a respectful nod, and scurry along your way. 'He will never not be scary, but way better than the other...' You think to yourself grabbing a half empty bottle of whipped. "Nice!" You exclaim holding it up as if it's the holy grail.

"Thank you little bird." Your body freezes and your blood runs cold. 'no...please...'

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