Chapter 1: Big Break/First Friend

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Hi, I'm Jay Dallas, or as fans know me as Tony Rogers. I'm 22 years old, and I have a profession in the art of wrestling. I've been doing pro wrestling for 3 years, wrestling since I was 18 when I couldn't pay for college, becoming former ROH world champion, NJPW world champion, and even Impact! world champion

Getting signed to WWE has always been a dream of mine since I was 10 years old. I grew up on the Cena vs Orton rivalry, which in my opinion is one of the best I've seen in wrestling history. Whenever I saw those two go at it, I always said to myself, "One day, that's gonna be you."

Now that I have a shot, it's gonna be damn near impossible to fuck it all up. I worked 3 whole years just for this opportunity and it would be stupid of me to just throw it all away. Getting that call that I was being offered an NXT contract and being flew out to Orlando to train at the Performance Center is one of the biggest highlights of my career, and I wanna make sure I don't tarnish it

But let's skip past the nitty gritty bullshit and get to the main course

Performance Center

Walking into the infamous PC, where all the big stars started off, it felt like walking through the Walk of Fame. Knowing how many big talent came here to train and become as successful as they could be made this moment feel so fucking awesome!

Speaking of awesome, upon my arrival, a man in my peripheral vision walked towards me. Acknowledging him, I looked up to see that this man was getting very close to me, and started becoming super familiar looking. When he eventually got hands distance, I was able to evaluate this man's looks, and I was super shocked to finally put two and two together

Man: Excuse me, who exactly are you?

Me: Oh, me? I'm Tony Rogers. This is actually why I was flown out here

Man: Mmhmm, right. Do you know who you're talking to at this moment?

Me: No, not sure. Let me take a lucky guess. You're former transitional WWE champion, The Miz. Am I right?

Miz: Well you didn't have to throw the "former transitional" part in there, but you are right! I am the most seen, most talked-about, most valued WWE superstar of all time, The Miz! And it's my... well, it's cool seeing you

Me: Hey, thank you for the greeting. I've been watching you since 2011 so it's a real big honor meeting you in-person

Miz: 2011? You mean around the same time where I was rising as this company's future, the same time I carried the star power and charisma when I beat John Cena for the title? Yep, that's me alright

Me: Well, ok. So, I'm actually here to meet up with a group of people for tryouts. Do you know-

Miz: Ahh! Classic PC talk. Your training sessions is all the way over there

Me: Miz points at a right with 3 men standing inside it and 7 other people standing in front of it

Thank you. Hey, it was an honor meeting you. Seriously

Miz: Yeah, yeah. You already told me

Me: As I was about to walk to my destination, Miz calls back for me again

Miz: Hey, kid. One more thing I gotta say

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