Chapter 2: More Than we Think

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Wanna know what's better than waking up in Florida? Waking up knowing that you're at Florida for an important reason. Seriously, it's amazing. The trainers down at the PC are fucking dope and that "specific someone" is the coolest chick you can meet on your first day

Matt said he wanted Brianna and I freshened by noon so that we can get more training in. In all honesty, it's me that needs the most training. Sure, Brianna can learn to do a couple flips and tricks here and there, but she's got the strength and energy to take a guy like me down for the count. But, as the saying goes in WWE... fuck, I don't even know. But it's something along the lines of "Talent, not looks"

I woke up in my hotel and got dressed and prepared for the day. Since I didn't have anything else to do in the next couple hours, I decided I'd go shopping. There was this mall that I went to, and it's a pretty big one. I'm a big fan of large environments, especially in public, because it gives me a feeling I like. This mall even has a gorgeous fountain in the center of the entire place. It's one of those unusual places where you could have your first kiss

After a couple hours of shopping, I racked up 12% of my debit card. Gotta work on my spending addiction. I decided, "fuck it" and settle at the food court to eat something considering I didn't have a good breakfast. I found a Chick-fil-A and ordered a chicken salad and water. Lemme tell you sum, the salad is hella underrated. I see why, but some of yall need to give it a try

Upon sitting at a table to enjoy my meal, I get a text from my phone. It was from a random number, but I instantly knew who it was without needing to ask who the person was on the other line

                         CALLER ID

Hey Jay. It's Brianna

                                                 Wasgud Bri?

Bri? Never heard
anyone call me Bri
before lol

                                          Looks like u
                                          found something
                                         to get used to lol

Yea sure. When are
you coming at the PC?

                                         Around 1. I'm
                                         eating rn

Matt wants us here in
30 mins tho

                                        Fr? Shit then I
                                        guess I gotta get

Lol. See u soon, Jay


Idk why it's so cute for her to call me Jay. It is my name, but I really don't know

I finish my meal, then head straight to my rental to take a 15 min drive all the way to the Performance Center. Whilst driving, I got to admire the pretty views of the beach. Really makes you feel something when it's sunny and hot

Once I get to the PC, I park my car with my clothes in my handbag I bought yesterday. While I was heading to the doors, I ran into a familiar face. And no, it wasn't Brianna...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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