𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲

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✦ my man def loves giving back hugs as often as he can, he absolutely loves holding you in his arms and tries to as much as possible
✦ he would compliment and hype you up all the time for sure, he's so in love with your very existence and he loves to let you know
✦ the type to spoil you at any chance possible, bro's got that money and he loves to spend it on you with presents like plushies, matching sweaters, and blankets the two of you can cuddle in
✦ movie nights every weekend with snacks and blanket forts! and when i mean every weekend i really mean every weekend, it's rare for the two of you to go a weekend without spending the night binging a movie series together
✦ bro can't stop taking pics of you to the point he has no more storage, he loves every moment he spends with you and loves to capture them as much as possible

✦ he would be super sinister around others but super soft towards you and you only, you reach a part of his heart that no one else does and he loves that so much
✦ my boy is WHIPPED, you ask for anything, you got it 😭 if you asked this dude for a car honestly i think he would buy you one
✦ sports game dates duh you know how much this boy enjoys baseball and volleyball, sometimes your dates even include the two of you competing against each other in sports
✦ he would sing songs for you every night with that angelic voice fr, no matter what song too, you ask for one and he'll sing it
✦ he prioritizes you over anyone and everything else <3 you are his world and he loves to let you know that through acts of service and sweet words of affirmation

✦ his love language would be words of affirmation 10000%, he loves receiving words of validation from you and loves showering you with them until you're a blushing mess
✦ he would send you good morning and good night texts every. day. he wakes up with you on his mind every morning and falls asleep with you in his thoughts every night
✦ definitely the type to call you just to ask how you are, if he hasn't seen you for awhile he'll definitely get pretty clingy and curious to what you're up to so he'll call you to ask about you
✦ cafe dates while he shows you the playlists he made for you, i feel like jiung would have so much fun making playlists for you like to the point hes giggling and twirling his hair
✦ the type to buy the two of you matching outfits for sure, he wants to show the world that you're his and he loves to express that through fashion

✦ flirty as hell even though he's already pulled you, no matter how long the two of you have been dating for, cheesy pickup lines are something you'll hear very often
✦ definitely loves giving petnames and receiving them, he gets all excited and giggly when you call him sweet or he gets to call you his love
✦ would always ask your opinion on his dancing as he prioritizes your opinion over anyone else's, he craves validation from you as he always wants to make sure you're happy
✦ the type to take you on the most romantic dates and spend every minute making sure you're happy and comfortable even if that means he isn't
✦ he would write so so so many songs about you and sing each and every one for you if you asked him to, probably even make choreography to them and perform it for you

✦ the type to buy you the same pair of sneakers as him so the two of you can match the next day, taking a bunch of photos of the two of you in your matching shoes
✦ fast food takeout dates on the living room floor as you both talk about your days, your dates don't have to be fancy at all as all you two need are each other 
✦ would braid your hair to match his and take pictures of you both, he loves seeing the two of you match especially with his signature space buns
✦ i feel like he's the type to prefer receiving hugs then giving them so HUG HIM! he's super clingy with you and loves when you focus all your attention on him
✦ he would definitely make a wall of just photos of the two of you in his room and show you it excitingly, asking if you like it or if you want to help him

✦ you're his muse and he's yours, as you're always inspired around each other so the two of you do a lot of creative actives together like writing song lyrics
✦ creative activity dates such as writing, painting, photography, etc... there's never a boring moment between the two of you, especially not during dates
✦ movie marathons of harry potter and maze runner, and then reading marathons of the same series while debating the differences and similarities 
✦ video gaming until 3am until the two of you crash, cuddling each other in your sleep until you wake up late and laugh at each others messy hair
✦ bro just wants to hold hands with you whenever he can so he always reaches for your hand in public and clings to it <3

– december 7th, 2022

𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄!! 𝗻𝗼 𝗻𝘀𝗳𝘄!!

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