07 || Make Over

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"Good morning, Manhattan! This is April O'Neil with Channel Six News and boy, do I have some tea..." The reporter announced on live television, the Brothers and Splinter were watching in the living room. The wind blew in her hair, and her lips were glossed up in red lipstick. "Late last night at Police Headquarters, a friendly event was in place meant to bring officers and friends together... Unfortunately, a mysterious young woman invaded the party with intense violence and destruction."

As April continues, Leonardo is already stressing about this. Just hearing the story be spoken about got him on edge. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he gazed at the TV screen, seeing the footage of the young lady displaying her description.

"She appears to be about sixteen to eighteen years old, with dark hair, an athletic figure, and roughly five foot tall, and a thick scar on the left side of her jaw..." April listed the young lady's appearance.

"We gotta do something about this. Like now." Leo said. "I think we should whip up a plan about catching this girl." He looks at his father and brothers.

Well, of course, a plan needed to be thought of. If this young lady was able to take down four mutant turtles and nearly killed them, a very strict and well-thought plan needed to be constructed. It cannot just be a plan that has been thought out in just twenty minutes. This plan needed at least an hour or two of planning.

"I can think of something." Mikey raised his hand.

"Nope!" Raph blurted, shutting Mikey down quickly, and obviously not to make him feel bad. This was serious.

"No, wait, guys, seriously!" Mikey says, still watching his older brothers converse in the living room. Splinter even held his hand up to signal Mikey to be quiet. The poor turtle felt defeated and left out.

Leo thought of an idea, and so did Raph, and Donnie was coming up with all sorts of plans to get this girl in their grasp.

Leonardo came up with a plan that sounded like it could work, but there were bits and pieces that would fail easily. He thought of tracking down the suspect with one of Donnie's devices, but that can fail in a snap for any reason. There might be an ambush if they tracked her to the location she lives in and they are not taking any chances. 

Raphael thinks that they should wait for her to return and come back for more action and catch her that way, but that conclusion could be the Brothers ending up in the same situation as last time.

Donatello thinks he could track her down in the system and see if she is associated with any business in New York. But according to Chief Rebecca Vincent, she does not exist at all, like she was never born.

"Any other ideas?" Leo looks at Donnie, Raph, Splinter, and finally Mikey. No one answered right away.

"Uh, yes." Mikey raised his hand,

Raphael rolled his eyes. "Dude, if this is a joke, don't bother. We gotta catch this woman."

"Duh!" The childish turtle spewed with attitude. "Guys, remember how the PHQ was swamped with off-duty officers?"

Leo groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose and rubbing his eyes. "Mikey, we are not here to 'reminisce' the potluck."

Mikey was annoyed with how he could never get a word out of his mouth sometimes. His brothers underestimate him, even in the most serious moments. "Guys, just shut up and listen!" He cleared his throat.

"Boys, let Mikey speak, please." Splinter said, making sure that the older three were being respectful.

Michelangelo breathed in and explained his plan. "PHQ had off-duty officers in one location-- A perfect setting for someone to attack with sleep gas so most law enforcement won't intervene. When the time was right, the girl roughed us up a bit, and ran out of HQ to lure us out of the potluck!" He paused as Donnie's eyebrow ridge cocked. Mikey is probably on to something. "Think about it. She obviously doesn't want to associate with the Po-Po... She wants us. So what I am trying to say is... Let's turn the tables on her! Let's lure her toward us!"

Iɴᴅɪɢᴏ & Sᴀɴᴅsᴛᴏɴᴇ || ᴀ ᴛᴍɴᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ '16【✓】 Where stories live. Discover now