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You and Sadie have been together for three years and those three years have been the best of your life. You're not an actor, instead, you're in law school, but because of what Sadie does, she takes you all over the world. Today, you're in Paris with Sadie and the rest of the Stranger Things cast.

Sadie decides that she wants to take you to the Eiffel tower. When you arrive and both stand there, smiling at each other, then you look around and see all your friends filming you. When you look back at Sadie, she kneels down on one knee. "Y/n..."

"Oh my god." You say.

"Will you marry me?" She asks. You stand there, staring straight at Sadie. Then you begin to nod.

"Yes. Yes, I'll marry you!" You exclaim. Your friends all cheer and Sadie puts the ring on your finger. When she stands back up, she kisses you passionately and you kiss back. 

Sadie Sink imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now