Why - Jeff

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(In this imagine, Jeff is still alive, this takes place around the Winter Formal.)

Y/N Pov

Me and Jeff have been together for 7 months now, and if I'm being honest, i've never seen him this happy, before. But lately, he's grown distant towards me, causing e to worry if he wants to break up or not. I've decided to talk to him after his baseball practice, tonight.

While I was walking to the baseball field, I could hear my boyfriend talking to someone. Thinking that it was one of the other jocks, I walk over quietly with a smile on my face to surprise him, only to find out it was a cheerleader. She was known as the "homie hopper" , so that's why I stayed quiet, to see if they were a little intimate or not.

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that your baseball skills are getting better!" I heard the girl say, which led me to wonder what he'd say back. "Thanks, your moves aren't too bad, yourself." he said with a chuckle. My eyes widened and I started to panic.

What if wasn't just being nice and wanting to get with her?

What if he's been cheating on me...?

I got up from my hiding spot and made myself known.

"Hey babe! How was practice?" I say, turning the corner I was behind. He looked kind of surprised to see me, since I don't usually come to his practices, only games. "O-oh, hey babe. how are you?" He says, trying to hide the fact that I may have heard what he said.

"I'd be a lot better if you told me why the hell you were just flirting with another girl." I say with a smile, and he looked down at the ground with guilt in his eyes. I nod my head and chuckle. "Well, that was all that I needed to know. Have a good day, you two." I say and turn around, tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. "Wait, Y/N, slow down!" he said, trying to catch up with me. "Just go away, Jeff!" I whimper, and walk towards where my car is parked. "Come on, you know me better than that! She complimented me so I did the same!" He said, making me turn around.

His eyes widened when he saw me crying.

"You've been distant all week, you've barely answered any of my texts, I even went as far as asking Monty and Zach if you were sick or not, just to find out you've been flirting behind my back!" My voice cracks slightly, and he looks like he might start crying. "Baby girl, you know me better than that.. you know I'd never do anything like that to hurt you. I promise that she's just a friend." He says so sweetly, and i sniffle as he reaches for my hand, which I give in and hand over. "I never know what your up to anymore, Jeff. I'm scared I'll lose you..." I sob and look at te ground, dreading the feeling of looking up at him. He shooshes me and makes me look up at him softly, which I do. "I will never choose someone else other than you, okay? I'll even make it up to you, if you'd like to go to the WInter Formal with me..?" He says sweetly, and I chuckle. "Okay... I guess so." I sniffle and he smiles softly, then goes in with a kiss, which I gladly return.

He decided to drive me and him to the beach for a bit, holding hands the whole time.

I really hope this relationship never ends.

(I don't know if this was good or not, but I just decided to write it because, I mean, it's Jeff. I hope it's decent. I'm always open for tips! -storyy_maker)

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