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"WHERE ARE you going?" I walked into the room while she was packing up "Yokos room Thornhill said I could crash there for a few nights"

"There's no need" I replied, the more it pains me to admit. I really didn't want her to go "Wednesday spoke with Weems, you and Xavier won't be punished" She zipped up the bag "Am I supposed to thank you"

My blood went cold "I already apologized, It's over" She turned to me as the thunder crackled "Over? tonight was just the icing on the birthday cake you didn't bother to blow from my hands" I closed the door behind me feeling my fingers go cold.

"You and your sister will use anyone to get what you guys want, Even if it means putting them in danger. We could've died tonight cause of your sister's stupid obsession"

"But we didn't, We're one step closer to solving the case. That is what is important" I stepped closer as she bit her lip taking a breath in.

"I've tried really really hard, For you to take a hint. Always putting myself out there, Thought of your feelings. Told people I know she gives off serial killer vibes but she's just shy"

"You got to be kidding me," my hands hurdled into a fist "Me? take a hint?" I laughed at her "I've spent half of my time since I've stepped foot in Evermore trying to figure out what you want from me. First, you kiss me and then next you go kiss some guy who didn't even bother to show up to a date he asked you to go to?"

"he accidentally stoned himself," She said back "You're so indecisive, Why kiss me at the Rave'N Enid? Why would you do such a thing, And to think that you actually cared"

"What's your problem," she asked "My problem? The fact that you Kissed me at the Rave'N and went to swap saliva with some guy!? You're so careless it's funny," She blinked as if she was trying to find an excuse.

"Get out," I muttered, "Look, Claire. I didn't know you looked into it that way-" she walked towards me wanting to grab my shoulders as I stepped back.

"Get the hell out Enid." The girl's eyes were watery and so were mine, I felt my heart shatter as she closed the door behind her.

gripping my chest I walked towards her bed touching her sheets, How could someone so sweet be this mean?

leaning down onto her pillow I hugged her stuffed animals, This time my nose was blocked from crying so I could barely smell her perfume.

My hands brushed my lips which were quivering, the memories of hers brushing on mine, her Lipbalm, and her infamous perfume made my vision blurry as I blinked away the tears which were forming.

It's been a while since I was this overwhelmed, She has a grip on me she doesn't know she has. the little girl warned me I would be alone, By my sister's side only. maybe it's inevitable, But for the first time in my life.

It didn't feel good.

No longer my sister stopped in her tracks shocked after seeing my face "Claire," I heard her say, She looked around realizing what happened. Wednesday looked down walking towards me.

"I'm sorry" Those words made my chest hurt, even more, and I snapped. Hugging my sister I broke down crying every inch my heart could take while she softly messed around with my hair.


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now