SEVEN. ᴵᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᴰᵒⁿᵗ ᵂᵒᵉ ᴹᵉ ᴮʸ ᴺᵒʷ

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  RAIN WAS pouring, My sister left for the Mayor's funeral. She gave me time to get ready, She left a couple of minutes ago. Usually, I get excited. Come on, A funeral? what's not exciting about it?

As I walked towards my sister who was holding an umbrella I realized it was raining, Pursing my lips I took a step out feeling the cold water drip down my face. After last night this was really refreshing.

Suddenly Xavier stepped out of the crowd bringing an umbrella with him, "You look like you died" "Thank you" I was still uncomfortable and not sure how he was there last night but I walked towards Wednesday with him trying to cover me from the rain.

"Claire, How are you feeling?" She turned to me with an expressionless face "Amazing" I muttered as I felt Xavier put his arm on my shoulder as I stared at the dark coffin unphased.

Suddenly someone caught my gaze, this time I wasn't afraid to stare back. I looked at Enid who was shifting uncomfortably next to Ajax, Of course, it's Ajax. 

She made eye contact softening her eyes, She stared at me with pity. I wanted to rip her eyes out, Don't look at me like that. She looked at me like I was vulnerable and helpless without her.

I saw Ajax put his arm around her shoulder before she pushed it away taking a step to the side, This time she looked to the ground. Her Eyes were dark, As If she didn't sleep the whole night.

After the speech was done Enid was crying, I'm starting to think it wasn't caused by the speech. Ajax then again puts his arm around Enid who didn't seem to be cooperative, She tugged him off and walked back into the school without an umbrella.

I turned the other way seeing a shadow, Looking at it my legs brought me to follow it. I heard Wednesday call for me before following me from behind.

I ran as fast as I could not wanting to lose track of this figure, Suddenly he was gone leaving me standing in the middle of the woods.

Hearing someone land right behind me Wednesday took out a blade from her Umbrella but was stopped by him, The shock of electricity made her let go of the weapon. "Still as sharp as ever, My girls," A voice said making both me and Wednesday smile.

"Uncle Fester" He took off his hat smiling ear to ear, "How long have you been stalking us?" I asked as we walked down the path "Just blew into town this morning and was hit by a wave of nostalgia"

"I thought you didn't go to Nevermore," Wednesday asked "I didn't, Your dad got all the brains But I used to drop in on him, Usually from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my teeth just to keep him on his toes" I saw Wednesday smile.

"Of course" She replied "He filled me in on what's been going on" My heart skipped a beat "Everything?" He tilted his head to me "Everything" 

"Monsters, Murders, Mayhem. You" He nodded to me "backstabbing traitor" I muttered "What fun"

"I told him I had a job in Boston, But I'd be checking up on you two," He told us "What kind of job?" "the kind that means I need somewhere to lay low for a while"

I loved my uncle, He's always been so fun.


We brought him to our shed while I gave him details on the bees, "And no, You can't eat the bees" Opening the door Wednesday and closed it behind us "This place belongs to a friend"

"You both made a friend? That poor kid will be going home in a body bag" I looked at the floor as he walked past the sleeping bees "I like a hideout that comes with snacks"

"Those are bees hibernating, They're practically Eugene's children" I explained "Ohh," I heard them buzz as he laughed "That means do not eat them!"

He closed his mouth turning to us, I widened my eyes signaling him to put the bee down. He sighed putting it back before closing it up.

"You know, When you give me that death stare of disapproval, You remind me of your mother. Speaking of scary things" I shifted uncomfortably "You know what kind of monster you're dealing with?"

"I haven't been able to identify it" Wednesday walked up to him showing him a picture "Ohh, It's called a Hyde"

"As in Jekyll and Hyde?" He nodded "You've seen one before?" "Oh yeah" Uncle fester replied "In '83, During my vacay to Zurich institute for the Criminally Insane"

"tell me about the Hyde," I asked "ah, Olga melacova. Jeez, She had it all. Beauty, Brains, and a penchant for necrophilia "

"Olga was a concert pianist until one night she transformed in the middle of Chopin's sonata" He explained "Massacared a dozen audience members And three music critics"

"What triggered her? or did she change on her own" Wednesday asked "No idea" He shrugged "I only saw her in group electroshock therapy"

"There have never been any mentions of Hydes in any outcast book" I turned around "And Nevermores is reputed for having the best collection"

"You try Nathaniel Faulkener's diary?" he asked "mmm. before he founded Nevermore Faulkner traveled the world cataloging every outcast community"

"How do you know this," I asked, "You think your parents can't keep their hands off each other now ey, I showed up unannounced one night in Gomez's dorm room, Let's just say I wasn't interrupting a pillow fight"

"Uncle festers" I stepped up to him "The diary, Where is it" He stepped back "Nightshade's Library, Your dad parked me there and said I should settle in for a long stretch. And that's when I found this nifty little safe"

"I was hoping for a stash of cash or jewels but instead I found a diary" He explained "We'll sneak into the nightshades Library tonight, In the meantime. Lay low" 

Turning back I opened the door outside "If you are discovered I will disown you and collect the reward money tied to your capture" I heard Wednesday say "I expect nothing less"

I closed the door behind us and opened it again poking my head inside "Leave the bees alone"


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now