Warrior For Christ Jesus

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Warrior for Christ Jesus

When momma died we sang her favorite song, I'm just another soldier going on home. Her headstone reads the same,
"A Soldier Gone On Home"

Warrior for Christ from birth to death, soldiers of the cross. I was born into a family ordained to battle the enemy Satan. My brother, David sang in the sunshine band, "we are climbing Jacobs' ladder, soldiers of the cross. One verse says, "Do you think I make a pretty good soldier?

Dora was a warrior and she made us fight. "Don't give up, you can make it." Momma was our example; through hardships, sickness and pain, she was my hero.

Daddy died before I knew him well. I was too little to remember much. The Holy Spirit was with us. On daddy's death bed hands were laid upon all of his children as we stood around his bed. The command was given, "you will all preach the gospel."

Daddy's children all preach the gospel.

"If you get whipped before you come home, I'm going to get you again when you get home." That was mommas' slogan.

Mrs. Jones, my teacher, reported me to my mom, she told her I wouldn't fight I was too passive. She said, I let the other children on the play ground take away the ball every time I got it and she didn't like how I just walked away from every fight.

As she spoke, momma was watching me, because she knew differently, at home I was known as the little red devil, sweat on the nose and all, if you touched me I would fight and cry. But ohhhh boy after the tears were gone, I was mean. Why not at school? I could tell momma was thinking. I thought Mrs. Jones was so pretty up until that day that she got me into trouble. Well, I guess she was always pretty. But afterwards momma said, I had better not let another kid take the ball from me. They were going to be watching me, the both of them.

What do you have to say? Momma said to me. I said, "You told me to stop fighting and stop being so mean. You're supposed to be saved, and saved people don't fight."

"I don't want to fight. I just figured I'd let them have the ball, it wasn't that important to me to keep the ball rather than have a fight to keep it."

Everyone wanted me to fight or fight back.

Somehow I think that eventually stirred up something in me that had been well hidden. I began to realize that confrontation is necessary at times. You must stand up for your rights and for the things that you hold dear to your heart.

I began to see that some force or some beings unseen by myself would take from me whatever I allowed. They had an assignment to kill me, to steal from me and to destroy me.

By the way! Isn't that what Jesus said, "satan comes to steal, kill and to destroy." A thief is your enemy. A killer assigned to kill you is your enemy. A destroyer of anything that belongs to you is your enemy.

The fight is on.......it's war time.

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