AP: Advanced Placement aka too much hard work for a young teenage female with too many fangirl priorities.
Taking 3 AP classes this year has been boring, interesting, and easy.
Idk why people complained about the essays that the great Jim Bliss gave us almost every week for the first months of school.
I felt like the prompts were easy and open minded. People would complain about them the whole week. Instead they could've used that time that was wasted on whining, to actually do the essay.
I remember one of my good colleagues, (can't use his real name so I'll call him John.) would always leave it to literally the last minute. He would stay up all night to do it. He would snapchat and it'll be like 3am. (Follow Johnny on sc @nicogs97)
I would literally finish in an hour. (The hour before the class started)
Anywho. In ap English we've done too much. The only reason I liked it was because he never called on me for anything.
One time I had to do a group project with john and 2 other homeless girls(kiki and peppa) .
It was a pathways project. I remember when we were presenting john was reading off a card and he read the stuff he was suppose to do.
John: College is very important. *Looks at card* Read the board- oh. *stands right in front of board and starts reading from it.*
Everyone: hahahahhahahahahahahahloserhahahah
There are so many great memories. One time we were reading the great Gatsby and the part where daisy was being unloyal to Gatsby and went back to tom came up.
Teacher: what does THAT teach you about life?
Kiki: never trust a hoe.
Class: hahahahah
Teacher: what?
Kiki: never trust a girl.
Ahhh. Great times.
Next AP class is AP Science. Nothing interesting happened here. Except when a girl dropped the lab tools or when another girl dropped her freaking gallon of water on the floor. Besides that it's an ok class i guess. Interesting and easy. Too much work.
My last ap class is Spanish. This class is easy. The first semester we had a sub (Mr.skinny). We did nothing. He just sat there with his wannabe clown hair, while the teacher gave birth to a baby.
And then when the teacher came back we actually had to do work. We eat a lot in that class so I guess it's alright.
I remember when she bought her 6 month baby to school when it was fucking raining.
Ok first of all. Who brings a baby to school?
Secondly, who brings a baby to school when it's raining? He's gonna get pneumonia, you stupid bitch.
And thirdly, since when does it rain in California?
The Ap test were easy but I think I got like a two. Idk I could've tried harder.
Anyways. Next year I'm taking apecon and ap