A night out

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We spent the ride putting each other in choke holds and seeing how far we could stick ourselves out of the truck before Darry yelled at us. People on the road kept honking at us and one old guy started yelling at Darry saying he needs to start being a better parent. We all started laughing. We got to the fair ground and hopped out of the truck, Merrel put his arm around me and paid for my entrance fee. We walked around for a little while and got some food, Merrel never leaving my side. I finally got him to lay off and shoved my hands in my jacket pockets. I felt a small piece of paper and pulled it out it had Call Me and my number written on it. "Is that for me," Merrel asked.

"Like hell it is," I folded the paper back up and shoved it in my pocket, must have been from last night at Buck's. We walked around I did some more rides, Merrel finally went off with Darry, Johnny and Pony went off together so now Soda, Steve and I could do whatever. I felt eyes on me, you know that feeling like someone is looking at you but you can find out who. We did some awesome rides, some fast, some tall, some both. We had an awesome time. The three of us walked over by the bounce house to eat our food, it was right next to the dock, the fair grounds are right next to the lake. The whole time I on and off felt someone staring at me. When we got to the dock I felt it again, "Aye look at dis," Steve said, he hit my shoulder to get my attention. 

"What," He pointed over to our friends, Dallas Winston and Two-bit Matthews.

"Ol' Dals been staring your way the whole time," Soda said smiling. Two-bit seemed to be drunk as he wouldn't stop laughing. I lit my cigarette and took a drag. I caught Dally's eyes, we both looked away quickly but I could tell he looked right back at me. "Prolly thinks you're the cutest girl in the world," Steve said. I burst out laughing, we all did. Dally just isn't that kind of guy.

The whole group walked up to us and we started walking around again. It didn't take me long to find the Gravatron. We all went in and I was prepared for the time of my life, the Gravatron was always my favorite ride. We all went in and the ride started, Pony, Darry, and Steve all looked scared for their lives, Johnny was about to puke and Merrel tried to act slick and grab my hand which I slapped him for. Soda and I were flinging our arms and legs around making the guy controlling the ride yell at us. We got off and Pony escorted Johnny behind the Gravatron so he could, egh. We all walked away and I saw Dallas looking at me, I smiled and walked off with my friends. Merrel gave him a dirty look and threw his arm around me. I shoved him off and walked ahead with Johnny and Pony. The three of us walked off and went on some more rides. We found ourselves back by the dock. I saw Merrel over by the same kids except now they had 2 girls with them. "Quinny is my girl ok, so quit staring,"

"Hey man, who are you to talk, she don't seem too interested," Two-bit said, he was either full of himself or drunk because he started laughing histarickly. Merrel grabbed him, "You got something to say drunk, say it with your fists," The two girls looked worried but one sure had a mouth on her, "You get you hands of my brother, you friggin hood rat," She shouted. Ah Natalie, Two-bit's younger sister she is pretty mouthy and loves to pick fights to try and seem like her brother. I ran up to them and pushed Merrel off Two-bit. "Lay off Merrel, I ain't your chick,"

"The hell girl,"

"Get, I ain't your girl, I ain't nothing to you. Now LAY OFF and get," He threw his hands up and walked away annoyed. 

"Nice to see you Quinn," Two said.

"Ay Two-bit,"

"Two-Bit?" Natalie asked.

"Yeah, always has to get his two-bits in, like a comedian," he started laughing again.

"It's fine Nats, I like it,"

I turned and smiled then walked back over to see everyone except Merrel with Johnny and Pony.

 We walked around for a while and did a few more rides, I then saw Two-bit and Dally again. "Hey," I said, walking over to them.

"Oh, hi," Two replied, he had a beer in his hand and was looking at a bunch of Soc girls skirts.

"What you boys up to," Darry asked.

"Not much," 

"Hey uh, you wanna go on the Ferris Wheel," Dally asked.

"Of course," I heard Steve and Soda laughing but just kept walking. We got on the Ferris Wheel and looked down at everyone until we got to the tippy top. "Hey our neighborhood," I said pointing towards the DX, you could see the whole city from up here. "Chasing Merrel off like that," Dally said.


"That was sure tough," He put his arm around me, "I saw you at Buck's last night,"

"Yeah, last night was a lot,"

"You looked really, really good," Hie whispered, "In fact, if you would like. We could head off and do our own thing," He winked at me.

"No, while I do enjoy a good time, your version and mine are different,"

"Well then go to the movies with me,"

"Dallas Winston did you just ask me out," I said in fake astonishment.

"Sure, why not," He took his arm off me then the ride came to a stop and we got off.

"Nice chat," He said. I walked back around to try and find the boys. When I found them Merrel was back with them, thank god he didn't speak to me. "Well we should get going," Darry said. 

"Yeah, I'm getting tired," Pony added. We walked out to the entrance then walked aimlessly around the lot looking for Darry's truck. We found it and I saw Two and Dal getting in Two's car. I ran over, "Sure why not," I said, Dally smiled at me and lightly pushed me over to the boys. I gave him a quick 2 finger salut "See'ya tomorrow,"  I said then ran back over to Darry. I hopped in the bed of the truck and we drove home.

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