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"Zen," I heard a faint female voice say. "Zen, wake up."

It was Octavia, I could place the voice that was speaking to me. My eyelids were far too heavy to open, though. To let the brunette know I was awake, I let out a small grunt.

"I found the antidote, you need to drink some of it," Octavia said. I heard the pop of the bottle cap coming off. I felt the cold glass connect with my lips, and I let the liquid pour down my mouth. I swallowed the disgusting taste, and cringed at the burning sensation in my throat. "You alright?"

"G-great," I replied sarcastically, my voice barely above a whisper. Octavia chuckled slightly, and dabbed my forehead with a cool, wet cloth.

"There's a plan to blow up the bridge," Octavia informed me. I smiled slightly, glad that Bellamy left me and went to figure something out with Raven. "Raven's got a bomb made, and Bellamy's going to shoot it, so it ignites. They're leaving in a bit."

I was a bit worried that Bellamy was going to be near the bomb. I knew that he would be smart and safe, though. He had good aim, too. He didn't need to be extremely close to the target for him to hit it.

I soon started feeling dizzy again, though my eyes were closed and everything was quiet. My stomach started rumbling, and I started feeling extremely nauseous.

That's when fluid started coming up my throat again, and Octavia had to hold me in the hammock, tipping me to the side. I was appreciative of her help, but Bellamy holding me made me feel a lot better; the chance I was going to fall on my face lessened with him.

"Octavia, I'll help," I heard Murphy say. He wrapped his arms around my body like Octavia, and at first I struggled against his grip. He had bipolar emotions, and I didn't know if he was actually helping me or planning a way to kill me. "Zen, I'm not going to let you go, I promise."

Seeing as though Octavia didn't tell him to get lost, I complied and let him help. I spit out everything, the gross taste of iron finding its spot in my mouth. When I was done, I was tilted back to face the ceiling of the dropship, and I let out a giant sigh.

"The antidote should kick in soon," Octavia said, wiping the excess blood from my chin. "I'm going to go upstairs and help out a few of the other people. Call me if you need me, Murphy is staying down here." She sensed my worried look and reassured me. "He's not going to hurt you, if it wasn't for him some of these people wouldn't be looked after. Plus, I see that he trusts you, he wouldn't hurt someone if he trusted them."

I nodded, and she gave me a small smile. She placed the cool, wet rag on my forehead to cool me down, and made her way up to the other levels. I had just closed my eyes once again, ready for a long, needed rest to take over, when Jasper came into the dropship yelling frantically.

"Bellamy needs help, he's sick!"


Jasper's message had made the adrenaline in my body kick in, and I jumped from the hammock I was in. When I first tried to walk, I stumbled, but my hands caught me from falling to the floor.

I needed to make sure Bellamy was going to be alright. I couldn't lose him, he needed to be okay. This entire camp would fall apart without him; I would fall apart without him. I felt safe when he was with me. He always stayed with me when I was hurt. Now it was my turn to do the same for him.

"Zen, you can't go anywhere, you need to rest," I heard Murphy say to me. I ignored his words, along with Jasper's pleads for me to stop walking. I went around Jasper, careful not to touch him, and went outside of the dropship. I stood on the ramp, scouting out for where Bellamy was. A few of the other campers became cautious when they saw me, but didn't bother to try anything.

Lose A Little To Save A Lot ↭ Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now