Chapter 1- the radio

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~~~3rd person P.O.V~~~
{If you want you can skip down a bit to y/ns P.o.v the radio part is basically like...a intro to the book?? Idk}

The radio blarred as the van drove. Yet no one paid attention to what was being said.

"&to give further details of the case.

It is believed that the indictment is only one of a series to be handed down as a result of a special grand jury investigation.  Grave robbing in Texas is this hours top news story.

An infoment led officers of the Muerto County Sheriffs Department to a cemetery just outside the small rural Texas community of Newt early this morning.

Officers there discovered what appeared to be a grisly work of art, the remains of a badly decomposed body wired to a large monument.

A second body was found in a ditch near the perimeter of the cemetery.

Subseqient investigation has revealed at least a dozen empty crypts,and its feared more will turn up as the probe continues.

Deputies report that in some instances only parts of a corpse had been removed;the head or in some cases the extremities removed,the remainder of the corpse left intact.

Evidence indicates the robberies have occurred over a period of time Sheriff Jesus Maldonado refused to give details of the ghoulish case and said that he did have strong evidence linking the crime to elements outside the state.

Area residents have reportedly converged on the cemetery, fearing the remains of relatives have been removed.

No suspects are in custody as the investigation at the scene continues.

Oil storage units continues to burn out of control at the hugr Texaco refinery near the Texas-Luisiana border.

Three storage units exploded into flames during the night killing at least three workers and injuring a dozen more.

Fire fighting units from three Texas cities continue battling the cause in an effort to congine 40 foot flames.

Smoke from the fire has reached Huston residents some 60 miles to the south.

Health officials from San Francisco reluctantly admit they may have a cholera epidemic on their hands.

Some 40 cases of the highly infectious diseasehave been confirmed.."

The radio was soon drowned out completely.

~~~Y/n P.O.V~~~

Jerry pulled the van over after Franklin had said something to him.

Once the van came to a halt Kirk slid open the sliding door and stepped out. No one really talked while the van wasnt moving, yet the radio still played.

"And suspect sabotage. Police in Gary Indian have been unable to identify.."

Kirk pulled out two wooden planks and proped them up against the bottom of the van so Franklin, who was in a wheelchair, could wheel himself out without getting hurt.

I leaned my head back slightly and looked out the window as Kirk helped Franklin out the van. I grasped at the bottom of my shirt and pulled ot up to my face, wiping away the sweat that had formed under my nose.

It was hotter then hell in Texas and everyone knew it. I dont know why Sally had to drag me out here with her just to see if her grandfathers grave had been robbed, hell i didn't know him.

I looked out the sliding door as Kirk pushed Franklin to the tall weeds. I wished we didn't stop, stopping only made the ride longer.. But...we had to make stops for things like gas or in thise case, bathroom breaks..

All was quiet other then the radio into me a 18 wheeler came driving down the road, throwing up dust and rocks.

Not a second later screaming was heard from outside.
My fight or flight sences kicked in and I instantly pushed myself out of the van just in time to see Franklin lose control of his wheelchair and roll rapidly down the hill.

Pam let out a small gasp. "FRANKLIN!" me and Sally yelles in unison. I jumped out of the van and ran down the hill after Franklin, with Kirk following behind me. I almost fell running down the hill.

My feet tangled with the tall grass, wrapping around my legs, almsot making me trip. I saw Franklin topple out of his chair and roll down the hill, then stopping as the wheelchair harshly hit his side.

I soon got to his side and pushed the wheelchair away. "You okay?" I asked as I slowly grabbed Franklins arm. "I was..shit" he groaned out as I helped him up.

Kirk came by my side and helped me get Franklin back into his chair, since i couldn't have done it alone.

Me and Kirk pushed Franklin back up the hill. I looked down at Franklin and saw that the sleeve of his shirt had ripped open..

After a bit we were back on the road with Jerry driving.

"This heat is just driving me crazy, i don't know if i can take much more" Franklin whined out as he unbuttoned his shirt, showing off his chest.

"Listennn "the condition of retrogradation is contrary or inharmonious to the regular direction of actual movement in the zodiac and is ,in that respect, evil." " Pam said. Reading from her book

I rolled my eyes as she spoke. Pam was one of those girls who believed in zodiac signs and how the planet's and our birthdays affect us people.

"Hence, when maker is planet's are in retrograde. And Saturn's malefic, okay? "Their maleficence is increased" " Pam added then looked up at Jerry.

"Have you been doing tjose Readers Digest word power columns again?" Jerry asked as he took his eyes off the road and put them onto Pam.

"Jerry, it just means that Saturn's a bad influence. Its just particularly a bad influence now becuase its in retrograde" Pam said, adding a whine to her voice.

"How can a planet be a bad influence? That's bullshit" I said. Pam looked back at me and scrunched her face up at me.

"Hey, man, you believe all that stuff your old lady's hawkin about?" Jerry asked as he looked back at Kirk.

A I dont know was all that Kirk got out before Sally shut the whole conversation down before it turned into a huge argument

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