Chapter 3- the hitchhiker

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~~~Y/n P.O.V~~~

"Hitchhiker" Sally said and I leaned up to look out the window, and sure enough, there was a Hitchhiker.

"Should we pick him up?" Jerry asked.

"Oh, yeah, man, pick him up, hell asphyxiate (meaning:kill by depriving someone of air) out there" I said. In this heat no one and i mean no one should walk! Its far too hot to do so.

"What does he look like?" Pam said, sitting up straight and trying to look out the window.

"The son of a bitch is going to smell just like the slaughterhouse!" Franklin whined, obviously not thinking about how hot it was.

"Oh, give the guy a break! He can sit by Y/n" Sally said as she looked back at me.

"What do you wanna do?" Jerry asked again.

"Oh he's weird lookin" Pam said as she stood on her knees, blocking my view of the Hitchhiker.

"Pick him up man" Kirk said and Pam looked at him and whined out a no, but Jerry didn't listen.

Jerry slowled the van to a stop and the Hitchhiker yanked the sliding door open and hopped in, closing the door behind him.

"Well I thinl we just picked up Dracula" Franklin said as the Hitchhiker got in the back with me.

I looked over at him, my eyes scanned him. He had sweat slicked hair, his skin was a pasty yet colored white tone, he had a very large noticeable red birthmark on the left side of his cheek. He wore a baggy green shirt with a fur bag around his neck along with a camera. He didnt look weird at all to me.

"Where you headed man?" Kirk asked as he eyed the Hitchhiker.

"South" the Hitchhiker said rather quickly.

"You work at that place?" Franklin asked as he pointed to the slaughterhouse.

"oh, no" he said, answering in quick spirts.

"How did you get stuck way our here?" Pam asked as she moved away from him.

"I... I was at the slaughterhouse!" The hitchhiker said.

"I got an uncle that works at a slaughterhouse" Franklin said, once again, bringing up the slaughterhouse.

"H..hey! brother worked there grandfather, too" The hitchhiker said with a small giggle as struggling to speak a bit.

"My familys always been in meat" the Hitchhiker said. It was odd.. His whole family im gussing worked with meat..but he didn't.

"A whole family of Draculas" Franklin whispered as he looked at Sally. He clearly didn't want the Hitchhiker here. I dont know why he didn't, he seemes like a friendly guy to me.

"Hey,man, did you go in that slaughter room or what ever they call it? The place where they shoot the cattle in the head with that big air gun thing?" Franklin asked, looking back at the Hitchhiker.

The hitchhiker frowned "Oh, that..that guns no good" he stammered out.

"I was in there once with my uncle-" Franklin started, but was cut off.

"The old way..with a sledge! Heh" the Hitchhiker said, bashing his fist against his hand with a giggle.

"See, that was better! They died better that way." The hitchhiker added.

"How come? I thought the gun was better?" Franklin asked as his slightly bushy brows knitted togeather in confusion.

"Oh, no, no. With the new way, people are put...put out of jobs!" The hitchhiker said with a frown.

"You do that?" I asked, chiming into the conversation between the two boys.

The hitchhiker looked at me and smiled, his eyes scanning my face before he grabbed at the fur pouch around his neck and rumaged through it. "Look!" He said erratically as he pulled out a handful of photographs that have clearly seen better days.

The hitchhiker handed me the photos with shaky hands.

I gently took the photos from him, being careful with the paper as I unfolded them.

"I was the killer!" He said with proudness laced in his voice amd a giggle at the end.

I looked at the photos seeing bloody, pigs and cows, organs and blood covered tables. Photos like these would normally gross someone out, but..i didn't find them gross or odd at all. I hummed slightly as I looked through them

"Let me see" Franklin said. I slowly handed the photos to Franklin who instantly looked disgusted with the photos. "Damn" he choked out.

"They don't send the heads away." The hitchhiker started.

" Did you take those photos?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

"Yeah!" He said with a wide smile as he looked at me, clearly proud of his work.

"Franklin!" Sally said loudly as she roughly took some of the photos from Franklins hands. Her roughness with the photographs made the hitchhiker frown.

"See, they make headcheese!" The hitchhiker started, adding onto what he said before about the heads.

"They......" There was a pause as he struggled to get his words out.

"They...take the head a-annd they boil it, ex...except for the tongue, and they scrape all the flesh away from the bo...bone..they They uae everything theu dint throw nothing away! They use the jowls and the muscles and the eues and the ligaments and everything!" He said with a large smile.

"Oh" I said as I kept my eyes on him, engaging in what he was saying.

"The nose and the gums and all th..the flesh! And they boil it down a big...big jelly of fat!" He said as he fiddled with his fingers slightly. My eyes traveled down to his hands, and thats when my eyes landed on a bracelet, one that seemed to be made from fake teeth or something of the sorts.

"Wow, i didn't know thats what was in that stuff" Franklin said, I could guess that je was oddly shocked.

"It...its really good! You like it?" The Hitchhiker side as he tilted his head, looking at Franklin then at me.

"Oh, yeah, sure, i like it its good" Franklin said with a small nod, then the Hitchhiker looked over to me. "What..what about you?" He stammered out.

"I've never tried it..but im down to try it" i said with a light smile, this seemed to make the Hitchhiker smile more with excitement.

"Oh it sounds horrible.. It is possible wr could talk about something else?" Pam whined out as she side eyed me, Franklin, and the Hitchhiker.

"Youll probaly like it if you didnt know what was in it" Franklin muttered as he looked over at Pam.

I shuffled back on the floor, still sitting by the Hitchhiker.

"What..whats your name? Nubbins!" The hitchhiker said as he looked at me.

"Oh im Y/n" I said as I locked eyes with him. His eyes were a misty blue color. (Edwin neal the actor of Nubbins has blue/ grey eyes so go with it)

"Wow....pre..pretty name for..for...a..pretty girl" He said before turning back to Franklin and Pam...

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