chapter 2- the graveyard

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^^^Time skip by Bubba dancing^^^

~~~Y/n P.O.V~~~

I looked out the window as we pulled into the grave site. More people then expected were there.

Jerry parked the van and Pam, Kirk, Jerry, and Sally all hopped out.

"My granddaddys buried here." Could we find out if anything happened to him?" Sally squeaked out as she walked to a old man with a straw hat on.

"Whats your grandaddys name?" A much younger man in red said as he looked down at Sally.

"honey, that big heavy feller thats standing with that flashlight in his hand, thats the sheriff." The older man started. "You go tell him your Granddaddys buried in there." He added.

"Okay, thank you" Sally said with a smile wich the old man returned.

"Say, fella, im going to run off with your girl a minute. You don't mind do you?" The younger man in red said as he gently grasped Sallys arm and started walking off with her.

"Honey, ill get you to the sheriff. Come on." The man said.

I sat in the Van with Franklin, who rolled himself to the edge of the van.

"Been in there the whole time, unbeknownst to Clyde. Clyde didn't know either. They didnt know why" a what im gussing was a drunk older man said as another laid on the ground laughing.

I inched myself over so I was beside Franklin at the door, i looked down at the man on the floor.

"Things happen here about they dont tell about. I see things" the drunk man on the ground stammered out as he looked at me and Franklin with wide eyes .

I looked over at Franklin before looking back at the old man.

"You see," drool coveres his grey beard as he stammered out his words.

"They say it's just an old man talking. You laugh at an old man. Theres them that laughs and knows better." The old man blabbered as he started letting out strange forced laughes.

Franklin wheeled himself back into the van while I stayed at the door, looking down at the old man. I was interested, confused even on what this drunk was talking about, his words slurred togeather and his voice seemed forced.

I soon moved back into the van beside Franklin as we waited for Sally to come back.

~~~Time skip by Mr drunk man~~~

"Yes, they're sure. The man said they could tell of the grave jad been drug up. Franklin, don't worry, I saw it myself, it didnt look dug up to me" Sally said.

We were once again back on the road.

I sat in the back, digging around in the bag I had brought with me. I rummaged through everything i had brought, first aid, extra clothes, money, a small water bottle, and earphones for my mp3 player that I had forgotten.

I let out a sigh as i sat criss cross in the back.

"Ugh oh! What's that?" Sally said her voice laced with disgust, and thats when it hit me. A god awful smell, the smell of dead things and rotten meat. It was a smell that could make anyone sick.

"What smells?!" I asked as i forced myself as I lifted my hand and pinched my nose, trying to stop thr smell from attacking my nose.

"What is that stench?" Kirk hissed out as he looked around, trying to find the sorce of that horrid smell.

"Roll up the window" he added as Jerry rolled up the front window and I closed up the back ones.

"Hey thats the old slaughterhouse" Franklin said, practically answering everyone's question on what the gut wrenching smell was.

"Thats where grandpa used to sell his cattle!" Franklin said as he put his large hand on Sallys small shoulder.

"Hey we got an uncle that works at one of those places outside of Ft. Worth. Hey, see those buildings there?" Franklin said as he lifted his hand from Sally and pointed at a small string of far away buildings, I strained my neck to see them.

"That's were they kill em they bash! them in the head with a big sledgehammer" Franklin said, getting loud when he said the word bash.

"Oh thats awful" Pam said out loud.

"It usually wouldn't kill em on the first lick. " Franklin said as we passed the cattle.

Hundreds of cows waited inside the incloser, waiting to be slaughtered. It was sad but.. Mildly interesting to me.

"I mean, they'd start squealing and freakinf out and everything" Franklin added, he seemes to know alot about the topic.

"And they'd have to come up and bash em two or three more times. And then sometimes it wouldnt kill them, i mean theyd skin em sometimes before they were even dead." Franklin added, really getting into it.

"Oh thats horrible, people shouldn't kill animals for food." Pam said, shaking her head.

"Well they don't do it like that anymore. Now they got this big air gun that shoots a bolt into their skull and then retracts it. Its just BOOM! it goes BOOM! and BOOM!" Franklin said, using his fingers and hand to recreate the action of shooting the cattle in the head.

"Franklin! I like meat please change the subject!" Sally said, probably growing grossed out and sad by the topic.

"Thats terrible that it's still going on" Pam said as she looked back in the direction of where the cattle was.

Both Pam and Sally were mildly sad by the topic but me..i wanted to know more, it was slightly interesting to me.

"Oh.. Man...its hot in here" I moaned out, changinf the subject. It was hot, so hot i was tempted to just yank my shirt off and go topless for the rest of the day.

I rolled my shoulders and wiped the sweat from my brow as Franklin pulled out his pocket knife and started picking at his fingernails.

"Hitchhiker" Sally said and as she did I leaned up slightly and looked out the window..

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