Chapter 18: Confrontation

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June 30

0800 hours

6th Avenue (Pain Street)

Me and Joshua circled the room, staring at one another. There were pretty big differences between us (1. He was taller, leaner, handsomer, and much more skilled in combat, making my chances at defeating him extremely low. 2. He had a gun). The only thing I had as a weapon was a small knife I had used to defend myself against the perpetrators. "Smart move, Ben. You're clever. I mean, the security cameras watched it all." I looked up, and there was no camera. When I looked back down, Joshua had his arms wrapped around my stomach, and tackled me, sending my head thrashing into the floor. I quickly pried away from his grasp and got on both of my hands as though I were about to do a push up. I extended my leg out and did a half twist, performing the best back leg kick I'd ever done. However, it missed him.

Instead, he grabbed my foot and dragged me up by it. He then let go, twisting it in the process. I screamed, and he threw me to the side. I rolled over, and slashed somewhere on his face. He wailed. Dane, Murray, and Zoe slowly aroused. While Joshua was injured, I took the time to untie them. I looked outside, and hoards of brainwashed people slammed against the window. I untied them, and ushered them out the door. Joshua fired his gun on our way out. It nipped me in the shoulder. That was it, I couldn't take the pain. I bit my hand to stop myself from screaming. I looked around and several huge guards sat around drinking liquor, playing cards, and eating Nachos while watching the World Cup. They all looked to us when we passed, and since Dane was nothing but hulking mass, he hid us behind him and nodded, pretending to be one of them.

"You took down Joshua?" Zoe asked, her eyes as big as apples. "You took down Joshua?" Murray said, although this time confused. "No," I said to both of them, much more to Zoe than Murray. "I got lucky, stabbed him, and tried to evade." We went up a series of stairs and darted up to the main exit, in which we went through. As we started up, I could see the deep teeth marks in my hand, they were from how hard I'd been biting down. We crept behind a door, and opened it carefully. Several armed guards stood on the roof, heavily armed.

Dane nearly rushed forward. With every ounce of strength I had, I managed to hold him back. "No,' I whispered. "Rather we get killed out there or by the brainwashed people outside?"
"We have to get out of here somehow," Zoe said. "True. But I'm still working on a plan," I replied. One of the guards' ears perked up just as bullets ricocheted off of something behind us.

Joshua. "CHAAARGE!" Dane screamed. He threw himself into the door and it burst open, flattening the guard that was behind it. The others didn't shoot, mainly because of pure shock and fear that it was possible for a human to be so large. This gave Dane an advantage. He grabbed two guards by the neck and smashed their skulls together. Murray attempted to thwack one, but the guard slapped him in the face, I heard a crack. Zoe tackled the last two before they could pull off a shot, and I assumed they'd got concussions from how hard their heads hit the concrete. They lay, groaning.

Joshua bounded up the stairs and kept firing. He stopped once he got to the top. We all spun around to face him. Murray stupidly charged. Joshua dodged swiftly, ducked behind him, and German suplexed him, his skull rubbing the rough ground. Joshua forced him to his feet, then body checked him off the building. Murray screamed the whole way down. Joshua spit on the ground next to where Murray's blood splatter lay. "I've been waiting to get rid of him." Joshua said. A helicopter circled us, and they weren't friendlies. "On the contrary, this is mercy. Adios." We all rushed towards him, but something nailed me in the back. I took a step forward, but it felt like I was being lifted. Long, huge, coiled wires stuck out from my teammates' backs. As I turned around, one penetrated out from mine as well. Then, all my muscles locked up, and I felt over 200 jolts of energy surge through me. I blacked out.

July 1st
0400 hours

When I woke, I was tied up. I was in a dark room, and I looked up, groaned. I sat in front of a window. The sky was cloudy, as if it was going to rain. A black speck came closer in the distance. A helicopter. I looked over, and my other friends were tied up. The helicopter raged towards the window, full speed, and the last thing I saw was Cyrus Hale pushing the controls of the helicopter with full force.

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