Chapter 3 - Liam POV - Jojo

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The news that One Direction was doing a reunion tour spread like a disease. Before the end of the week it seemed like the entire world knew. Yet, I was still indecisive. Gary had called me back a few times to see if I had made up my mind yet but the answer was still no.

I was walking through town one day when I heard two girls whispering to each other.

"Isn't that the guy from one direction?" One of them said. "Yeah I think so" the other one replied. I turned around and stared at them as they approached me. "Hi, we were huge fans, can we get an autograph?"

At first I forgot what they were talking about then I remembered that they were Directioners. The taller girl held out a sharpie so I could sign the back of her iPod and the other held out a pen so I could sign her backpack. They asked for hugs and I gave it too them.

It reminded me of all the times I would go to the mall or something and we'd get swarmed by girls. I pretended like I didn't like it but it made me happy to see all those girls squeal. Then I knew what my answer had to be. I knew I was going to rejoin One Direction.

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