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MY EYES were closed, Wednesday told me to get some sleep while she figures it out due to that night. 

At this point I was already asleep, Scenarios flashed through my mind as I held on to the same stuffed animal from last night. I know it's not my thing, But I felt safe with it.

Asleep I felt as If someone was staring at me, I couldn't hear anything due to my headphones, But a sudden breath on my arm woke me up. I grabbed the person's arm throwing them onto the floor before putting my hand around their neck.

Not realizing sooner it was Enid "Woah there, I can't tell if you're into it or you were actually trying to kill me" 

"Don't count on the first option" I got off her sitting back on my bed, "What do you want" She went to her side of her room, "And you have seen my bear and my bottle of silver moon polish? Do you mind if I look around" 

"Yoko's hosting a mani-Padi party for her crew" I put my head on the pillow, placing my arm on my eyes "This is the third time, in 24 hours you've forgotten something, What do you want exactly?"

"so, How is everything going" she lowered her voice "Solitude suits me" I replied "How's your boyfriend" Her body tensed turning to look at me.

"he's not my boyfriend" She stated "Seems like it" The girl walked towards me "Look claire, We need to talk"

"No, we don't" I blabbered back "I broke it off with Ajax," My heart skipped a beat but I didn't want to celebrate just yet "Is that supposed to be an apology?"

"Um... yes?" She said looking down at her feet "Well come up with a  better one" The girl sighed looking at me "Well- Yoko is asking me to room with her"

"Don't let me hold you back" I muttered back "Fine, Enjoy your solitude Claire" "it's not solitude if you're still here"


That night I snuck out to the library as the wind blows cold air, Stepping towards it I snapped twice opening the secret entrance that never failed to amaze me. Walking down the stairs Wednesday was nowhere to be seen, I guess she isn't here yet.

"Weds? Uncle fester?" Looking around I was quite disappointed to see Xavier, expecting it to be my uncle.

"Who's Uncle Fester?" A voice came out of nowhere "What are you doing here?" I asked him "Well since I'm an actual Nightshade I don't have to explain myself, What's your excuse for creeping around in the middle of the night?"

"Research" I replied "On the monster?" He turned to me with an annoyed tone "I'll save you some time, there's nothing in here matching that thing." He stepped up to me "Isn't that convenient" I turned back.

"You know what your problem is?" I stopped myself from moving "I would love to hear your piercing insight" He crossed his arm looking the other way "You don't know who your real friends are, I've been on your side since day one. I literally saved your life"

"I believed your theories when no one else did, What do I get in return? Just nothing but suspicion and lies" Xavier shifted "Fine, you want honestly here it is"

"Fine, you want honesty? here it is" I stepped closer "Every time the monsters attacked you've always been, Right there"

"Staring with Rowan at the Harvest Festival, Then on outreach day you arrived minutes after the monster disappeared" I continued "Yet you say you didn't see it, "I didn't realize proximity was a crime"

"then there's your drawing obsession," I turned towards him as he walked past me "You have drawn the monster a dozen times, Yet you've never seen it. Or so you claim"

"You even drew where it lived, Then when Eugene went to investigate you tried to kill him so wouldn't spill your secret" He took a few steps forward "You think I would hurt Eugene?"

"Let's not forget your oh-so-convenient appearance after Tyler had been attacked" His facial expression changed, At this point, he was too close to my liking "If I am the monster, Why haven't I killed you?"

"Because for some reason I cannot fathom or indulge, You seem to like me" I replied as he shook his head "What's to like?"

after he left I heard stuffing behind me, Uncle Fester showed up with Wednesday next to him, "How long have you been lurking?"

"Long enough to feel the tension between you two, Was that the guy" Guy? he has to be joking "Seriously you can cut it with an executioners axe"

"I'd recognize the pattern of those fingertips anywhere," he said suddenly, thing showed up aggressively tapping the table "Hello thing! You cant still be mad about the Kalamazoo job. It wasn't my fault" 

he jumped choking my uncle while he apologises, "Enough" I heard Wednesday say, He turned around with Thing pulling his mouth.

"let him go," I said, he took his finger out of his mouth before getting comfortable on his shoulder "Show us the diary"

He brought us to the painting which was still covered in dust "Here we are, Iggy was Faulkner's right-hand trained generations of Nightshades. and behind Iggy itt." He pulled it open revealing a safe.

Thing got in and started working on it before failing on the first try, "This is turning into our reply In Kalamazoo" Uncle fester said right before Thing cracked it snapping his fingers.

Tugging it open, there it was. The diary.


got my phone taken today, Ugh.

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now