(Law) Chapter 33 - Date Pt 2

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A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who reads and votes/comments. I appreciate your words and your support, and seriously, y'all motivate me so much! (And sorry for teasing that I was just gonna leave it at the last chapter, of course I wouldn't do that!)

Despite assurances to the contrary, Law was not, in fact, managing very well. He'd temporarily forgotten a very important fact about Luffy: the man could not sit still!

Which meant that that small, surprisingly bony butt was wriggling all over his lap as Luffy reached for the buttons and knobs, causing equal amounts of pleasure and pain. Both of which Law was trying to ignore, with limited success. Also not helping was the fact that Law had to lean his chin on Luffy's shoulder in order to guide Luffy in the button-pressing. Which meant he was pulling Luffy close to him, smelling his hair, holding his waist.

Law's pants were getting entirely too snug and he was either going to have to bend him over and take him now or make him move. And since he'd promised himself that he'd wait and let Luffy be ready for that step... "Sorry, babe. I'm gonna need you to get off me now." He gave a gentle kiss to the nape of the neck in front of him.

"Aww, wh-... Oh. Okay." Luffy blushed slightly as he realized the issue and pulled himself off Law's lap to sit in the other chair. "Would it help if I blew myself up in really unattractive ways?"

"It might. Give it a shot." Law wasn't going to mention that he was in so deep, he was pretty sure nothing that Luffy could do would seem unattractive.

"Ok. I've been practicing this one for a while. No battle application, but a fun party trick. Ready?" Without waiting for an answer, Luffy managed to make his nose — and only his nose — get three times longer and vaguely pear-shaped.

Caught off-guard, Law let out a surprised chuckle. Luffy then proceeded to move the extra from his nose to his eyebrows, giving him a caveman-like appearance. By the time he also expanded his cheeks, Law was in a full belly laugh.

Luffy deflated with a grin. "It's fun to make you laugh."

"It's fun to laugh with you."

"Getting better?"

Law gave his signature smirk. "Not all the way. Keep going."

Luffy grinned, expanding his stomach and then bouncing the extra air down to his feet, then up to his neck, stopping before his chin so that he looked like the strangest frilled lizard ever. Then he tilted his head back and stretched his tongue so that it was nearly touching the roof of the Mini-Tang. A gargling sound came from his extra-'fat' neck.

That did make Law cringe a little, and his pants felt much less tight. "You look like a weird alien, coming to strangle me with that tongue."

Luffy popped back to normal, that happy grin on his face. "You caught me! I'm going to strangle you and take your head back to my alien ship as a trophy!"

"Well, there are worse ways to die than at the hands of someone so cute." Law froze, realizing he'd said that thought out loud. As if he hadn't embarrassed himself enough today.

"I'm really not that cute, y'know...." Luffy looked as embarrassed as Law felt.

Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. "Yes you are. Those big brown eyes, your big excited grin. The way you love life and adventure. The way you're always so happy to see your friends when you haven't in a while. It's cute. And I doubt I'm the only one who thinks so."

"Is cute all you see?"

What does he want me to say? "Are you just fishing for compliments here?" Law tried to tease to buy time.

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