(Law) Chapter 53 - Feeling*

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A/N: Basically a continuation of the end of the last chapter, so...

-- Mature content begins :) --

Law hadn't expected to react like that, but when he'd thought that Luffy was asking to take him, the fear had boiled up inside him faster than his mind could control it. But now he could feel the remnants of tense fear melt away under Luffy's soft kisses, replaced with sheer gratitude.


"Hmm?" Luffy's lips pulled away from his jawbone enough so Law could look into those big brown eyes. "Need me to stop?"

He brought his hands up to cup that sweet face. "No. I just wanted to say thank you." Honestly, he wanted to say a lot more than that, but the words still wouldn't come.

Luffy snickered, then pushed Law's hands down so that he could place a light kiss on his nose. "Torao still thinks too much. Quit thinking for a while and just feel, okay?"

And without further ado, Luffy's mouth was back on his jawbone, sliding towards the soft spot behind his ear. When he reached it, Law couldn't contain the slight shiver that ran through him as he leaned his head the other direction to give Luffy better access. "It feels weird to just let you do this," he muttered, trying to focus on keeping his hands down. "I feel like I should be participating more..."

Another laugh from the man who was now working his way down Law's chest. "Nope. It's my turn. But you gotta tell me what feels good, okay?"

Law sucked in a quick breath as Luffy began placing kitten-licks over his nipples.

Luffy apparently noticed, because he looked up at Law with that big grin. "Is this what it's like for you, when you're getting me all worked up? Does it make you happy to catch each reaction like this?" His voice was just a little bit rougher than usual, and it made Law's heart beat faster.

"Yes," Law breathed. "I like seeing you feel good. You make such, ah, pretty noises when you're turned on, and knowing that it's because of me.... I love it." He loved it so much that between the memory of it and Luffy's current ministrations, he was already starting to react.

It was made worse when Luffy's fingers started lightly tracing his chest tattoo, pausing over every covered scar. Then he started kissing the scars with that same unexpected gentleness, and Law couldn't help the slight gasp that escaped him, nor could he fight the urge to squirm under those gentle fingers, which made Luffy laugh that endearing laugh again.

"Are you ticklish, Law?"

He should be hon- "No, of course not." The sentence that came out was not exactly the honesty he intended to go for. He could usually hide it to an extent, keep himself from reacting, but if his guard was down, as it usually was with Luffy....

Luffy's grin turned teasingly feral, brown eyes darkening in a way that Law knew was lust and not battle-readiness as he sat up a little more. "You suuuure~?"

And then Luffy's roughened fingertips were scrabbling lightly up and down his sides and Law was frantically trying to squirm away, laughing uncontrollably at the sensation.

"OK, Ok, I lied! I am! Mercy!" Law cried. Luffy obediently paused his hands, putting a little more pressure into them as they settled easily at Law's waist. Law continued, once he'd caught his breath. "Don't... you can't tell anyone, okay? Shachi'd never let me live it down!"

"Why would I tell anyone? That's mine to know!" Luffy grinned, head swooping up to Law's mouth for another kiss. "Feeling better again?"

Law nodded, and it was enough for Luffy to make his way back down to Law's half-hard cock. Law could only watch as those brown eyes examined it almost curiously for a long moment.

"No teeth, okay?" Law cautioned. He hoped Luffy had already figured that much out, but he was looking at it like it was a particularly tasty piece of meat and Law knew how his favorite carnivore could tear into meat.

Luffy rolled his eyes even as his mouth slid onto it, encasing it in delectable heat that wrenched a tiny moan from Law as it pulled him quickly to full hardness. As Luffy started going down further — too slowly — Law tried to give further instruction.

"It's okay if you can't take it all, especially since it's your first time... Don't hurt yourself, okay?"

That was apparently a mistake to say because Luffy, being Luffy, took that as a challenge. Suddenly he was all the way down, those soft, stretchy lips pressing against Law's pelvis. Law fisted his hands into the sheets, trying not to moan or push further into that wet, hot throat. Of course Luffy had no gag reflex.


Luffy seemed determined to take him apart now, because he made just enough room in his mouth so that he could wrap his fucking tongue multiple times around Law's dick, too, which he kept there briefly as the rest of his mouth retreated to just the tip. Then that tongue retreated to its normal position in Luffy's mouth, licking a spiraling stripe up Law's dick as it did.

Law couldn't help but moan at that. "Fuck. Luffy..."

And the younger hummed a response as he began sliding back down on Law, making Law shiver in ecstasy. He picked up speed as he began bobbing and licking and sucking all at once. It was a little artless, but Law couldn't say he wasn't enjoying it tremendously. In fact, it was all pulling him very close and it was taking all his restraint not to bury his hand in Luffy's hair and fuck further into that mouth.

"Luffy. I'm, I'm gonna... you can pull off...."

Luffy hummed a negative, something like an "Uh-uh!" around his mouthful, pressing in closer again.

"You don't have to... it's uncomfortable to swallow...." Law tried to keep his composure just a little longer, but gods, the back of Luffy's throat was so tight and hot and he was losing the battle by the second.

And then Luffy swallowed hard around Law and all rationale was gone, just like Law. Shot after shot slid into Luffy's waiting throat, and Luffy took it all with a look on his face like he was happy about it.

Finally, Law's body stopped quaking and slumped into the bed, and he threw an arm tiredly over his eyes.

"Too much?" Luffy asked, and Law peeked out for a second to see him wiping his mouth on the back of his hand as he crawled back up to lay beside him.

"In all the best possible ways," he agreed breathlessly. "You're entirely too good at learning when there's a physical aspect involved."

"You just tasted good and I wanted more. Especially when you were obviously feeling good, too." He could tell without looking that Luffy was smiling.

"Too? Did it arouse you?" Law finally moved his arm to look over at the younger. He had never been one to become particularly aroused at that act in and of itself — though if it meant getting Luffy to make more of those lovely sounds, he was sure he'd find plenty of pleasure in it — but he'd known people who had, who could cum just from blowing someone.

Luffy shrugged, the motion awkward on the small space of the bed. "A little, but I think I can wait this one out. I just wanna cuddle now."

Maybe he could have, if he hadn't already had three orgasms today.... It was a tempting thought, one that Law filed away for 'later'.

"You sure? I can give you a hand if you want. Not much beyond that yet, but..."

Luffy just snuggled closer into Law's side and draped his arm over Law's waist. "I'm sure."

-- Mature content ends --

"I love you, y'know." The words spilled out of Law, free and true. More than you could ever know. And when the words were returned in a muffled, comfortable voice, Law felt his heart start to float inside him.

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