Part I : The conclusion

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Walking down the corridors, the depths of each grave - listening to how each of the angels scream in their chambers of darkness. "Such beauty only mesmerised by the eye of the beholder" As Azul whispers too his colleagues as they look into the dark gaze of Azul wondering how could a demon likely find pleasure in the torment of angels. As he stands showing his colleagues how superior he is amongst all inferior individuals... suddenly ascending footsteps approaching the corridors, there walks his father, El Diablo.

Such intensity, such a heavy aura almost as if it could pull your soul out your body - is that my father! as he questions himself, is my Father intimidating me, showing I'm inferior, or is it him just showing his the king in his paradise? I would like to admit my dad gives me the creeps his way to powerful and I can never compare myself to such a catastrophe like him, Azul indeed took notice of his father's strength and along that strength comes death he said to himself as he stood beside his Father looking and adoring his horns, sharpened teeth and blood dripping from his claws as his not surprised that his father feeds on angels only.

As El Diablo calls in a statement and every residential vampire summoned into the quarters of darkness. Every species of vampire stood in front of El Diablo. Whispers travelled across the room with tremendous excitement from every other vampire. As he introduces his son, El Azul to everyone in the quarters, little rumbles and rattles from every corner coming out from each vampire almost as if they were unhappy to know that there's a hier in the castle. El Diablo, without any hesitation, grabbed one particular individual who had dared define his sons grace. He had pulled his oesophagus, out blood squirting around the walls and just as the vampires stood in silence hoping all is over, that wasn't just it El Diablo ripped his skull in two equal halves - depathing his eyes on the walls letting everyone understand the meaning of that... as he growls looking at the far end of the corridor, there comes an unexpected guest. Chuckling and laughing in little detail attempting to see the quarters disturbed. El Diablo still particularly aggressive and enchanting cursed words, as Count Dracula walks in, stating how ridiculous he thinks it's unfair that he can't see his nephew, El Azul's ceremony.

El Azul suddenly became aware of the situation, becoming aware it's his uncle, Count Dracula. Been asleep for more then 200 years his excitement overlaps his Father's aggressive behaviour. As his father cancels all his cursed words - letting his brother through the gates of his quarters.

Vampires of low royalty had no idea what power these individuals were capable off, especially after seeing a slaughter taking place within thirty split seconds. Most importantly every vampire stood in their mercy at the point in time. Every one applauding the entry of Count Dracula, the biological brother of El Diablo. With immediate effect state your reason for appearing asked, El Diablo.

Count Dracula responded I can't utter such in mere presence of your people. Its private and complete dreadful. El Diablo reaches his claws for his neck grabbing him above ground looking him in the eye and whispering you better not have a skeem behind this ordeal as he drops his and roars into misery demanding each vampire to return at the stroke of midnight. During that night El Azul didn't feel more like a Prince especially since his father took a life for the sake of illustration. Several hours before his Uncle, Count Dracula appears with his dreadful news, wondering if his Uncle is only plotting against his father's regime, death or anything that could make him an abomination to his father's life. A heavy knock on the door conjuring up and getting louder and harder almost impulsively. Azul wonders whom might it be at the eleventh hour rushing to his domain. An imperial Gaurd not exactly happy or sad but urgently needing me to go downstairs and dress formal and present myself as a prince as later that night we all summoned by my Father.

Walking down the corridors and seeing how much Chaos is about to endure, really made most demons quite excited especially since they'd be particularly involved with my father. Azul kept himself in thought wondering how could he ever be as mighty as the king of hell. Was his strength based on how much deaths he needed to actually make before becoming prince, was it annoying to others that I haven't made a kill yet I feed on the purest of Angels? Am I weak, or am I being pursued into becoming someone I'm not. As Azul finalizes his dark coat and finally puts it on and unbuttoned his first 2 buttons approaching the hall. And awaiting his Father's commands.

Fifteen minutes later and as bored as the hall looks why am I the only person ready, why is it so quite the howling wolves outside are annoying and the screaming of Angel's are now irritating. I can't bare this its giving me a glimpse of a unforgiving feeling. As the winds blow so thick and heavy there we go said El Diablo. "Don't be surprised my son. I was merely passing by : checking if everything is going as expected." Azul looked at the full dark smoke imitating from his Fathers coat almost as if his flying in the midst of the air. His father, of course you surprised you can't exhibit this form if you haven't obtained it. So El Diablo stroke his vein poured his blood in a silver radiating cup, Azul becomes vary of the unfiltered blood not from anyone but the King himself. As shy as it made me I had to. El Azul knew it was his first attempt to earn his people's trust and ensure them he is his father's son. He gulped down the blood ... feeling change so rapid so demise so extreme. Veins enlarged, nails got darker. Shoulders grew feathers complimenting his demonic body. Eyes so tempting almost impulsively attracting chaos, his voice grew broad, and his desire for overwhelming power grew beyond. This was the first time he felt power. Though he realized it was never his. El Diablo laughed impeccably. My dear son, what an aura you have almost as if you fit to become the terror to the universe. Breaking down everything into our own DESIRE.

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