Chapter 12: battle of the dawn and dusk

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Warning - there's still swearing 

Diana's POV:

I am sorry Night, but I must do it. I flew up and used a dark halo to aim at this lizard girl. She knows how to dodge. I'm impressed but not good enough. I went straight to the Eiffel tower but Gekka managed to catch up and hit me with the scythe, I managed to block her attack with my scepter. I then flew high so she wouldn't see me clearly but I was wrong. 

When I looked down to see where she was, she was gone. Then I sensed something. Something was going straight toward me, and before I could react I was hit several times and blasted by a beam and fell to the ground, hard. 

I tried standing up but fell on my knees, I looked in the glass and saw I was bruised and have blood...but that won't kill me. I smirked, of course, this is fine. Do they think they can defeat me? I know what I'm doing. I took my scepter and used illusion to make sure she won't know I left. I teleported near the Eiffel tower but couldn't spot the wolf I was looking for earlier. 

I can ignore Jewel, It'll take her a long time to open a forbidden portal, good thing she can't sense I'm right underneath her. But I have to watch out and not underestimate her. She banished Night to the Shadow realm. I then snapped out of my thoughts and continued searching for her.

Samantha's POV: 

While Nightingale and Karla left to go to the potion room I stood up and went out to do my part of the plan. I was on it, Jewel didn't only banish her sister to the shadow realm, she banished me too! so what? I just wanted James back she can't just accept the fact I was his 1ST. I will get him back like the other two who want their ex back. 

I took one of our potions and got to the city quickly. Once I got there I went straight to Owlboy and trapped him and me in a burst bubble. People won't see us there. Violet saw me and the bubble and she nodded and left.


Owlboy got on his fight stance while holding his sword and got ready to fight me while glaring as well. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, he can win an oscar award for being this good at acting. 

Samanta: calm down Owlboy, I'm a friend. 

Owlboy: what? we don't know each other and you trapped me in this thing!

Samantha: yeah we don't know each other and yes I did trap you in this bubble but it was the only way to get your attention-

Owlboy: seriously? 

Samantha: that's what I wanted, plus, it's part of the plan.

Owlboy: what plan...ARE YOU TEAMED UP WITH DIANA!? 

Samantha: yeah and we need your help.

Owlboy then settled down, looked up and down, and thought about what I said.

Owlboy: help? help with what? you and she are trying to destroy the city!

Samantha: true..but that's not what we are really after...

Owlboy: ok what is it then?

Samantha: well I'm after my ex James, Karla is after Catboy, and we know you want Owlette back-

Owlboy: no no not again, I trusted PB last time and he failed to get me what I want. If I'm going to get-

Samantha: Owlboy, you're going to have to trust us on this, the plan is good if you hear us out

Owlboy:..well the plan can get ruined if the PJ Mask-

Samantha: not to worry, we already know what we're doing 

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