Chapter - 14

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Next Morning in Wang Mansion

It's a lovely morning. The whole Wang family were having breakfast silently until Mr. Wang Ren decided to break the peaceful silent.

"Yibo baby, today some special guests will come to our house to have lunch. You have to present there." Said Wang Ren.

"Who will be the special guests that I have to present?" Wang Yibo said and raised an eyebrow.

"Our future in-laws will come to fix your Zi jie's wedding date." Said Wang Zhao Xuan and Yibo choked on his food.

Yibo was surprised to hear about Yang Zi's wedding that's why he choked on the food.

"Baby, are you okay? Drink this." Said Ren while rubbing Yibo's back and gave him a glass of water.

Yibo took the glass from his father and drank the water. After sometime he came down.

"Are you okay?" Asked Xuan and Yibo nodded.

"What are you saying? Zi jie's wedding?" Yibo asked unsure.

"Yeah Yibo didi, I am going to get married. Are you happy about me?" Asked Yang Zi sweetly.

Yibo started to laugh after hearing Yang Zi's words and others were confused.

"Why are you laughing, didi?" Asked Yang Zi and Yibo stopped laughing.

"Because I am happy for you. But I was wondering who is the unlucky guy who agreed marry you?" Said Yibo and pretended to be thinking which made Yang Zi annoyed.

"Yibo why are you making fun of your sister?" Asked Ren. He knew that Yibo didn't like Xuan and Yang Zi but he wanted them to stay like a family. He wanted Yibo to have a family like others although he knew that's not possible but he at least tried his best to make Yibo felt family's warmth.

"Sorry, jiejie. I was just making fun of you. The guy must be very lucky to marry such a beautiful lady like you. He will be more lucky to be Mr. Wang Ren's son-in-law." Said Yibo but inside he pitied bad for Yang Zi's future husband.

"That's right." Said Xuan and Yibo nodded while drinking his juice.

"Is that why you come to our mansion. I mean, you rarely come to Wang Mansion since last month." Asked Yibo as he noticed Yang Zi came less in Wang Mansion and most of the time stayed in her personal apartment.

"Yeah, I was busy with my boyfriend. We went to dates regularly and my boyfriend's house is close to my apartment that's why I stayed there most of the time." Said Yang Zi.

"Mn... that's good. I am full." Said Yibo while wiping his mouth with a napkin and started to leave from there.

"Stay home today." Said Ren and Yibo just waved his hand indicating that today he would stay at home. Then he went to his room and locked the door from inside.

"This boy." Said Ren while shaking his head and sighed.

"At least he agreed to stay at home." Said Xuan and continue eating her breakfast.

"I just hope he doesn't stay at home today or he would spoiled everything. He didn't want me to be happy and I am feeling that something bad will happen. I just hope Yibo won't do anything to ruin my wedding. Well, he won't be able to do anything. Because my Zhanzhan had already signed the contract. He won't be able to leave me even if he wants unless I will let him go." Yang Zi thought with a smirk.


It's around lunch time. The servents of the Wang Mansion were busy preparing dishes for the lunch.

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