Chapter - 15

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"This boy. Please don't mind him. He is just jealous of my Yang Zi. Besides Yibo was physical problem. You can say he is crazy. I don't my husband my times to send Yibo to a mental assailem but he never listen to me." Said Zhao Xuan while sighing dramatically and Yang Zi rolled her eyes seeing her mother's overacting.

"I dare you to say that again, Ms. Zhao Xuan." Said someone coldly which sent shiver ran down Zhao Xuan and Yang Zi's spin making them scared. They knew who the person was and slowly turned behind and saw Yang Mi was staring at them with cold expression.

Wang Ren told Yang Mi to come at the mansion as he treated her like his own daughter. So, Yang Mi came but she was late because of traffic jam. When she entered the mansion she was greeted by Zhao Xuan's bad comment on Wang Yibo which made her angry.

Xiao Zhan and his family members turned to Yang Mi who was standing behind them with cold expression.

Yang Mi came in front of others and stood in front of Zhao Xuan who was scared to see Yang Mi as Ren listened everything what Yang Mi said and Yang Mi didn't like anyone of the mother and daughter because of what they did to Yibo.

"Ms. Zhao Xuan, if I were you I would have think twice before speaking. What if Uncle Ren heard you then I am afraid that instead of sending Yibo, he would send you to a mental assailem." Said Yang Mi with a sweet smile.

Zhao Xuan was scared to think about it. She was really carelessly. She forgot that Yang Mi would come and Ren was still present in the mansion.

Yang Mi smirked seeing Xuan's scared face. Just then a loud sound heard again from Yibo's room catching everyone's attention.

Yang Mi sighed and turned to Mrs. Lan who was serving snacks to the gustes as Ren ordered her to serve the gustes. She called Mrs. Lan who turned to her and bowed.

"Mrs. Lan, why is Bobo angry? Who made my Bobo angry?" Asked Yang Mi.

"It's master Wang, Ms. Yang. He raised his voice on young master Wang." Said Mrs. Lan.

"Uncle? But why?" Asked Yang Mi but Mrs. Lan

"Well, I think this old man became bored living peacefully. That's why, he made his son angry." Said Yang Mi and shook her head.

Yang Mi turned to the Xiao family and introduced herself. She apologized for being late and excused herself as she wanted to go and made Yibo calm down.

Yang Mi went towards the staircase and stopped. She turned to Xuan who was staring at her direction to see if Yang Mi already left or not.

"Besides, Yibo was never jealous of Yang Zi and not even now. It's the opposite. Yang Zi is always jealous of Yibo. She loves to snatched Yibo's favorite things and made him cry. So, Ms. Zhao think before saying anything." Said Yang Mi and left from there leaving others surprised.

Yang Zi and Xuan was fuming in rage but they couldn't do anything. So, they turned to Xiao family and started discussing about the wedding.


In Wang Yibo's room

Yibo was crying while throwing anything which came to his hand. Ren was trying his best to calm Yibo down but Yibo just shouted at him.

"Yibo baby, I am sorry. I didn't mean raise my voice at you." Said Ren.

"Go away. Leave me alone. I hate you. I hate all of you. No one loves me. I want my mama. I want to go to my mama." Said Yibo while crying.

"Yibo baby please calm down. Let's talk okay." Said Ren.

"There is nothing to talk about. You teamed up with Yang Zi and planned to take my Zhan ge away from me." Said Yibo.

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