Chapter 4

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Everybody was sitting in the lobby waiting on news about Tone, they had been there for about 20 minutes, when his mom came rushing in. At first, she went to the front desk trying to get answers, but they clearly wasn't saying shit that she wanted to hear, because now everybody could hear her threating the receptionist. It had got so bad that Jashir had to rush over and get her, she was about to swing on that lady. As soon as she made to where the others where Syko had got up to hug her but was greeted with a smack to the face instead.

"Rashad muthafucking Simmons why the fuck is my baby laid up a hospital bed," she kept swing on him. Although he was getting annoyed Syko just sat there and took it because he understood, she had never had to worry about no shit like this before and he respected Mrs. Rose. She was in his corner through it all, when him and his mama was into it he always had a place to sleep at her house, she was his second. He had always promised her that he would protect Tone and he had done a good job until now. She was scared that she would loose her son and Syko understood that because he was scared that he was about to loose his best friend.

Mrs. Rose had finally stopped swing on him and just collapsed in his arms, where Syko held her and walked her to a seat to sit down.

"Ma, im sorry I honestly don't know what happened I wasn't around for that but you know ima figure it out and stand on business, I just gotta make my boy straight first." Syko was trying his best to reassure and console her, but all she did was cry on his shoulders until Tone's name was called.

'Family of Antonio Rose" They all hopped and got in the doctor's face waiting on answers.

"That's us doc wassup, what you got to tell us." Codi was the first to speak.

"Well Mr. Rose lost a lot of blood and there was bullet lodged in his lung." He was cut off by Mama Rose's deafening cry.

"Not my baby oh Lord noo!"

Tone punched the wall, this was it he had lost his best friend, his right hand, his brother. His mind instantly filled with horrible, deadly, gruesome thought, whoever these niggas was they were about to die, that was going to happen even if Tone made it but now it was going to be worst, Syko was about to turn the city up and show how he earned his name, these niggas had him fucked up.

"No, no please everyone calm down, he's alive we, were able to stop the bleeding, he's stable and will be transferred to the ICU soon."

Mama Rose immediately stopped crying, but she didn't look relieved. The look that possessed her face was one that would make a grown man coward. At this point Syko knew to just shut up and stay out of her way, shit was about to go down and he really didn't want to be on the receiving end. The young man knew what that look meant, he had seen it plenty of times.

"So why the fuck you ain't say that shit when yo black ass walked up in the first place, dumbass nigga tryna be all suspenseful and shit when my goddamn son life is all up in there, what the holy fuck is wrong you??" She was in the doctors face now. Nurses rushed over to deescalate the situation but it was no use Mama Rose was on one and she wasn't going to stop until she was ready and seen her son. " I know one muthafucking thing y'all better back the fuck up out my face before I flip this muthafucking hospital up, take me to my goddamn son."

"We will ma'am but first I'm going to need to calm down" Some white nurse with ginger hair said. That was a big mistake.

"Bitch don't tell me what I need to do, what I need is for yo pale face ass to take me to see my son and if you can't do that then back the fuck back and get somebody else to do." Mama Rose was now facing the nurse, pointing her finger in her face.

"Yes, right this way ma'am, I'll take you, he's in room 238." This time it was the doctor that spoke. Mama Rose was still muttering this under breath but she followed the man to her son, and everybody else followed her. Well, at least tried to. The doctor noticed everyone following them and stop them.

"I'm sorry, but with condition that he's in its best if only one you is in the room for tonight, he should be feeling much better tomorrow and then the rest of you will be allowed in his room." Stated the doctor. Nobody really liked the thought of  not being able to see Tone until tomorrow, but no one protested.

Syko liked that idea the least of all, he needed to see his brother so he knew that he was okay. He just felt like no one had Tone like he did and he was feeling a little guilty, had he not got in feelings and start playing around with that bitch he would have been there, by his brother's and Tone would have never got shot. That's how it always was, of course he knew Codi was going to stand on all 10 behind both him and Tone, but no had Syko like Tone and vise versa. These two are literally soulmates, not in the romantic way but soulmates nonetheless.

Everybody leaving to go home get some sleep, everyone except Syko, he was going to stay here all night until he could see Tone. There was no point in leaving because he wouldn't be able to sleep, at least if he was here at the hospital, close his brother his spirit would feel a little restful. He went and sat down in the waiting room, mind racing but tired as hell. He was just about to close his eyes when he felt a tap on his shoulder. When he opened his eyes he was instantly annoyed.

"Baby what you doing, I thought we'd go back to your place and finish what we started." Syko looked at her the dumb bitch she was. Why would she even think that she wanted to be around anybody right now, let alone fuck especially her. He knew it was stupid but he disliked her for distracting him, to him if he wasn't too busy fucking around with her Tone wouldn't have got shot.

"Shayla bitch are you dumb, like you furreal right now, you think I got yo weak ass pussy on my mind when my brother laid in the spital, he wouldn't be here if I wasn't fucking with yo rat ass in the first place, get the fuck out my sight fore I tweak dawg." Syko spazzed and he didn't care who heard him, at least he thought he didn't. He didn't notice Sire and Kayla until he watched Shayla storm out pass them, both their faces filled with shock and embarrassment for shayla but Sire's also had a hint of disappointment and topped it off with a shake of his head before he walked out following his best friend. Syko felt bad and not because of what he said or the fact that Shayla's feelings were but because Sire felt some kind of way. It was a weird feeling and didn't wanna dwell on it anymore tonight so he just sat back in his seat and closed his eyes.

Words: 1303
I know I know FINALLY, right?? Lol I'm so sorry it took so long. I caught writers block on top of being distracted lately. I promise I'll do better I really want to give y'all what y'all want but I'm a perfectionist and don't wanna put out rushed, half ass work. Y'all deserve the best so that's what y'all will get, when I'm at my best so is my writing so I'll try to stay in a good space for yall.


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