Chapter 7

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"Boy stop playing and hurry yo ass up fo you go be left at this damn hospital, I ain't got time fo yo mess Antino" Jashir laughed at his Auntie Sha'niece fuss at his cousin.

It had been a week since Tone got shot and they were now allowed to take him home. The doctors said that he made a fast recovery and everyone was grateful for that. It came as a surprise due to where the bullet hit but nonetheless a blessing. No matter how annoying Tone was to his family nobody could see life without him. He was the light through the darkness for most and knew how to make everyone smile even during dark times, losing him would've been devastating.

"Where Aunt Rhonda at, I thought she was here??" Tone asked.

"She is, she went to pull the car up now hurry yo black ass up lil boy."

"Ma I'm a grown ass man" Tone argued. He didn't like being called a 'boy', it made him feel less than.

"Yea a grown ass man that's bout to get his ass beat like child, who da fuck you cussing at Antino Romoeiro Rose," Sha'niece walked closer to her son, "cause I know it ain't me, you lost your mind boy?? You need me help you find it??"

Tone cowered and mumbled sorry. He then went in to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Jashir just laughed he didn't know why the boy even tried it, his Aunt Sha'niece didn't play no games and wouldn't hesitate to pop someone upside their head for think she was something to play with. They both learned that growing up.

The doctor soon came in to give them the discharge papers and prescriptions that Tone would need. After they were done with that Sire and his Aunt finished packing all of the other male's belongings.

"Damn boy what you doing in there, come da fuck on." Sha'niece fussed again. She was ready to get the fuck ASAP, she didn't like hospital and didn't want to stay longer than necessary, bad history and all.

Tone had been in the bathroom for a while now and nobody knew whether he needed help or not. And they all knew the man would never ask for any even if he did.

"I'm coming ma, damn, hold on." Tone yelled back. Jashir shook his head. His aunt Sha'niece glared at the door like it was her son and if looks could kill. This boy had definitely lost his mind.

"You hood in there baby, you need some help??" Shayla spoke up and asked. Everybody had forgot she was even here until now.

Aunt Sha'niece looked at the girl like she just said 'Trump 2024", while Jashir just rolled his eyes. Nobody knew why the girl was even here. She was walking in when Jashir was.

Tone opened the bathroom door now fully dressed and visibly annoyed.

"Girl stop playing wimme, watch yo mouth." He deadpanned. Tone really didn't like her ass and didn't know why his cousin even hung out with the bobble headed hoe. He thought her twin, Kayla, was cool ass fuck though. She was laid back and never did too much unlike her sister. Tone couldn't believe that they were twins, they were way too different it didn't make sense. Shayla was a certified weirdo. The whole city knew how she got down. If you had a little bit a money and name then you could hit, she was looser than a goose. Plus the bitch was sneaky and messy, everybody knew not to trust her.

Shayla had been trying to get with Tone for years now, but he wasn't going. When she was younger it was kind of cute like, 'haha my little cousin's best friend likes me', but now it was just plain gross and annoying. The girl was just way too out there for Tone's liking. Don't get it twisted he himself could be considered a hoe, it really depends on how you looked at it and who you asked. All in all though he wouldn't touch Shayla's ass with a 10 foot pole, ain't no telling who done hit that bitch or what she had. Antino internally cringed at the thought.

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